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T-SQL Table Variable Creating PHYSICAL Table!

OMG! What am I doing wrong?

declare @WTF TABLE (
 OrderItemId int

SELECT TOP 20 OrderItemId as OrderItemId INTO [@WTF] FROM ac_OrderItems


Problem A: This creates a PHYSICAL table called @WTF. WHY?? I thought this was in memory only?!

Problem B: The last line of code, if I do select * from @WTF... WITHOUT the [ ], it returns NOTHING. What is the significance of the [ ]?

I need serious help. I'm losing my MIND!

Thanks in advance.

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Mike Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 02:12


1 Answers

What you experience is by design:

SELECT…INTO creates a new table in the default filegroup and inserts the resulting rows from the query into it.

The alternatives are to either:

  1. Not define the WTF table, and rely on the behavior to create it automatically
  2. Use the existing code, but change the SELECT INTO into an INSERT:

    SELECT TOP 20 

Mind that when using TOP, you should be defining an ORDER BY clause to ensure data is returned consistently.

like image 106
OMG Ponies Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 07:12

OMG Ponies