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T-SQL JOIN against a Common Table Expression (CTE)


Is it possible to perform a JOIN sub query against a Common Table Expression? If not, then can someone let me know how to perform what I am trying to do below? Examples would be excellent.

For example:

LEFT JOIN (              ;WITH [UserDefined]                 AS (SELECT *, -- Make sure we get only the latest revision.                         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID]                                                 ORDER BY [RevisionNumber] DESC) AS RN                     FROM [syn_Change])              SELECT [UserDefined].[ID]                 ,[UserDefined].[ChangeNumber]                 ,[UserDefined].[Usr_CoResponsibility]                 ,[UserDefined].[Usr_StarFlowStatus]              FROM [UserDefined]             WHERE (RN = 1)               ) [UserColumns] ON [UserColumns].[ChangeNumber] = [CTE].[ChangeNumber] 

Here is my full query:

;WITH CTE     AS (SELECT *, -- Make sure we get only the latest revision.             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ItemID]                                     ORDER BY [RevisionNumber] DESC) AS RN         FROM [dw_Change])  SELECT [CTE].[ItemID]         ,[CTE].[ViewID]         ,[CTE].[FolderItemID]         ,[CTE].[RevisionNumber]         ,[CTE].[ChangeNumber]         ,[CTE].[Synopsis]         ,[CTE].[Description]         ,[CTE].[EnteredOn]         ,[CTE].[Responsibility]         --,[UserColumns].[Usr_CoResponsibility]         --,[UserColumns].[Usr_StarFlowStatus]         ,[CTE].[Status] -- This will display the human name on the front-end with code.         ,[Users].[F7] AS [ResponsibilityName]         ,[GroupName].[Name] AS [AppGroupName]         ,[AppName].[Name] AS [AppName] FROM CTE LEFT JOIN [S3] [Users] ON [Users].[F0] = [CTE].[Responsibility] LEFT JOIN (SELECT [Name], [ViewID]             FROM [dw_Folder]             WHERE ([FolderItemID] = -1)) [GroupName] ON [GroupName].[ViewID] = [CTE].[ViewID]  LEFT JOIN (SELECT [Name], [ItemID]             FROM [dw_Folder]             WHERE ([FolderItemID] <> -1)) [AppName] ON [AppName].[ItemID] = [CTE].[FolderItemID]  LEFT JOIN (              ;WITH [UserDefined]                 AS (SELECT *, -- Make sure we get only the latest revision.                         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID]                                                 ORDER BY [RevisionNumber] DESC) AS RN                     FROM [syn_Change])              SELECT [UserDefined].[ID]                 ,[UserDefined].[ChangeNumber]                 ,[UserDefined].[Usr_CoResponsibility]                 ,[UserDefined].[Usr_StarFlowStatus]              FROM [UserDefined]             WHERE (RN = 1)               ) [UserColumns] ON [UserColumns].[ChangeNumber] = [CTE].[ChangeNumber]  WHERE (RN = 1) 

Thanks so much!

like image 719
Jared Avatar asked Dec 06 '11 16:12


People also ask

Can we use CTE in joins?

The query definition includes the GROUP BY clause. Later, we use the AVG() function for calculating the average value. You can also use CTE to insert data into the SQL table. The CTE query definition includes the required data that you can fetch from existing tables using joins.

Would you use a common table expression CTE )?

CTEs, like database views and derived tables, enable users to more easily write and maintain complex queries via increased readability and simplification. This reduction in complexity is achieved by deconstructing ordinarily complex queries into simple blocks to be used, and reused if necessary, in rewriting the query.

What is CTE Common Table Expression in SQL Server?

Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a common table expression (CTE). This is derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statement. This clause can also be used in a CREATE VIEW statement as part of its defining SELECT statement.

How do you write common table expressions in SQL?

In this syntax: First, specify the expression name ( expression_name ) to which you can refer later in a query. Next, specify a list of comma-separated columns after the expression_name. The number of columns must be the same as the number of columns defined in the CTE_definition .

2 Answers

When you define a CTE you're doing so before any of the rest of the query. So you can't write:

LEFT JOIN (   ;WITH CTE   ... ) 

As a quick aside, the reason people put ; in front of WITH is because all previous statements need to be terminated. If developers could get in the habit of terminating all SQL statements with ; then it wouldn't be necessary, but I digress...

You can write multiple CTEs like so:

WITH SomeCTE AS (   SELECT ...   FROM ... ), AnotherCTE AS (   SELECT ...   FROM ... ) SELECT * FROM SomeCTE LEFT JOIN      AnotherCTE ON ... ; 
like image 105
Yuck Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09


If you have multiple CTE's, they need to be at the beginning of your statement (comma-separated, and only one ;WITH to start the list of CTE's):

;WITH CTE AS (......),  [UserDefined] AS (.......) SELECT..... 

and then you can use both (or even more than two) in your SELECT statement.

like image 21
marc_s Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
