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T-SQL, Insert into with MAX()+1 in subquery doesn't increment, alternatives?

I have a query where I need to "batch" insert rows into a table with a primary key without identity.

--PK int (Primary key, no-identity)
--CustNo int
  FROM Customers

(simplified example - please don't comment about possible concurrency issues :-))

The problem is that it doesn't increment the PK "for each" processed row, and I get a primary key violation.

I know how to do it with a cursor/while loop, but I would like to avoid that, and solve it in a set-based kind of manner, if that's even possible ?

(running SQL Server 2008 Standard)

like image 458
KorsG Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 15:08


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MAX(x) - 1 simply means the max value of x in the table minus one. You can always use parenthesis and aliases ( as some_cool_name ) to make thing clearer, or to change names in the result. But the first syntax is perfectly valid.

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2 Answers

Declare @i int;

Select @i = max(pk) + 1 from tablea;

INSERT INTO TableA (PK, custno)
Select row_number() over(order by custno) + @i  , CustNo
FROM Customers
like image 149
Michael Buen Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09

Michael Buen

+1 to Michael Buen, but I have one suggestion:

The table "tablea" can be empty, so we should write:

Select @i = isnull(max(pk),0) + 1 from tablea;

This will prevent a null error when trying to use this code.

like image 36
Max Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
