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T-SQL Group By; Contains or IfAny

SQL2005 and/or SQL2008 Is there any kind of built-in aggregate, within T-SQL, for Contains or IfAny or whatever? Something where any in the group equals a value? Similar to Max(xyz)=value except not limited to max.

Select custID, case when Min(ProductGroup)= "A" then 'Have Ordered Group A' else 'Haven't Ordered Group A' end hasOrdered
from orders
inner join products on ordPoductId = productID
group by custID

This works for a single value comparison, if it is min/max, but instead I want something like:

Select custID, case when contains(ProductGroup, "G") then 'Have Ordered Group G' else 'Haven't Ordered Group G' end hasOrdered
from orders
inner join products on ordPoductId = productID
group by custID

I could use Min(ProductGroup)="A" if the value I'm concerned about is a min/max or change the from-clause to (case when 'G' then 0 else 1 end) to create a fake maximum. Currently I am only concerned with a single value, but I would like something more intuitive and flexible if possible. Any ideas?

like image 454
Peter Avatar asked Oct 17 '11 06:10


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Does GROUP BY include nulls?

GROUP BY does treat all NULL values equally.

Can we use * in GROUP BY?

You can, but the "GROUP BY" clause is used for grouping together sets of rows, so it does not make sense for your question (or anything that involves a "SELECT *").

Can I use WHERE by clause after GROUP BY?

GROUP BY Clause is utilized with the SELECT statement. GROUP BY aggregates the results on the basis of selected column: COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, etc. GROUP BY returns only one result per group of data. GROUP BY Clause always follows the WHERE Clause.

Does coalesce work with GROUP BY?

Because the COALESCE is an expression, you can use it in any clause that accepts an expression such as SELECT , WHERE , GROUP BY , and HAVING .

1 Answers

Your examples at the end are close to what I'd normally do. Something like:

   WHEN 1 THEN 'Have Ordered'
   ELSE 'Haven''t ordered'

Where the inner CASE expression will obviously be evaluated against each row, whereas the outer CASE expression determines whether the inner expression ever succeeded.

like image 168
Damien_The_Unbeliever Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09
