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System.MissingMethodException after adding an optional parameter

I am getting error of System.MissingMethodException after I have an optional parameter in one component and the other component which call it was not build as it call it with old number of parameters.

Only component in which parameter is added was build an deployed as patch. The calling component is old as there is no change in it.

When the calling component run it gives error :

Exception Information

Exception Type: System.MissingMethodException Message: Method not found: 'LabelURLs IPSD.BnB.Transaction.Postage.GetLabelURLs(System.String)'. Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal TargetSite: Void GenerateScanForm(Int32, Int32) HelpLink: NULL Source: BnBDispenseQueueProcess

As far as i know it should not raise an error as new parameter is optional. One more thing calling component(EXE) run as windows service.

we found an very wired workaround to make it run. By Removing the changed component once and run calling component which will say DLL not found. The place the same DLL again and calling component works fine:).

I think i am missing some internals of .net.

Let me know if more info needed.

like image 697
sandeep Avatar asked Mar 27 '12 06:03


People also ask

Is adding an optional parameter a breaking change?

If you have a method with optional parameters, you can never add an overload with additional optional parameters out of fear of causing a compile-time breaking change. And you can never remove an existing overload, as this has always been a runtime breaking change. You pretty much need to treat it like an interface.

How do you pass optional parameters to a method?

By Params Keyword: You can implement optional parameters by using the params keyword. It allows you to pass any variable number of parameters to a method. But you can use the params keyword for only one parameter and that parameter is the last parameter of the method.

What are optional parameters are added?

Optional Parameters are parameters that can be specified, but are not required. This allows for functions that are more customizable, without requiring parameters that many users will not need.

How do I set optional parameters?

Using Optional Attribute Here for the [Optional] attribute is used to specify the optional parameter. Also, it should be noted that optional parameters should always be specified at the end of the parameters. For ex − OptionalMethodWithDefaultValue(int value1 = 5, int value2) will throw exception.

1 Answers

Only component in which parameter is added was build an deployed as patch. The calling component is old as there is no change in it.

There should be a change in it, because the old code calls a method which no longer exists!

As far as i know it should not raise an error as new parameter is optional.

That's not an execution-time decision - it's a compile-time decision. If you have a method like this:

void Foo(int x, int y = 5) 

and you call it like this:


then the compiler effectively converts that into a call of:

Foo(10, 5); 

The call has the full argument list in the binary. If you want to go from the single-parameter version to the multi-parameter version in a way which doesn't affect binary compatibility, you'd have to add an overload instead, e.g.

void Foo(int x) {     Foo(x, 5); }  void Foo(int x, int y) {     ... } 

Alternatively, you could rebuild the calling code and redeploy that as well.

I'm deeply suspicious of your workaround. Are you sure you when you put the DLL back in place you replaced it with the new version (with the optional parameter) rather than the old version?

like image 179
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Jon Skeet