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systemd, multiline variable in environmentfile , where new line is significant



I'm using systemd on debian jessie to control a service to which I'm feeding environment variables through the EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/myservice file

in this file I have a variable which is a public key

  -----END FOO BAR KEY-----"

putting it like that does not please systemd which report an error (though doing a source in bash of the same file works correctly)

the documentation of systemd report that you can have multiline variable by ending each file with a \ but that it concatenate each line (so my program receive the whole under one line, which is no more a valid public key)

Is there a known way to preserve the end of line ? without resorting to hack like putting \n which i them 'interpret' in my application code ?

like image 329
allan.simon Avatar asked Mar 10 '16 07:03


1 Answers

The claim in the systemd.exec documentation that within the EnvironmentFile, “C escapes are supported, but not most control characters. "\t" and "\n" can be used to insert tabs and newlines within EnvironmentFile=.” is completely false. Instead, the allowed quotes and escapes are the same as in a POSIX shell. Like in sh, a multiline value surrounded by single or double quotes will turn into a multiline value in the environment; you don’t need \n and \t, which are meaningless in sh (without quotes, they are interpreted as n and t; within quotes, they are interpreted as \n and \t. They never become newline and tab).

And if you end a line with \ in double quotes or no quotes, then this is a line continuation, and the newline is discarded, just like in sh.

I opened PR 21908 to fix this documentation.

like image 156
yonran Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 02:01
