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Syntax-aware substring replacement

I have a string containing a valid Clojure form. I want to replace a part of it, just like with assoc-in, but processing the whole string as tokens.

=> (assoc-in [:a [:b :c]] [1 0] :new)
[:a [:new :c]]
=> (assoc-in [:a 
                [:b,, :c]] [1 0] :new)
[:a [:new :c]]
=> (string-assoc-in "[:a 
                       [:b,, :c]]" [1 0] ":new")
   [:new,, :c]]"

I want to write string-assoc-in. Note that its first and last arguments are strings, and it keeps the line break and the commas. Is it doable in Clojure? The closest thing I found is read which calls clojure.lang.LispReader, but I don't know how works.

I want to use it to read a Clojure source file and display it with some modifications, keeping the structure of the file.

like image 974
Adam Schmideg Avatar asked Aug 12 '10 21:08

Adam Schmideg

2 Answers

Or another option would be to use ANTLR to parse the Clojure code into an AST, then transform the AST, and export back out to a string.

like image 111
Alex Miller Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

Alex Miller

I think this should work, be entirely general and not require its own reader / parser:

(defn is-clojure-whitespace? [c]
  (or (Character/isSpace c)
      (= \, c)))

(defn whitespace-split
  "Returns a map of true -> (maximal contiguous substrings of s
  consisting of Clojure whitespace), false -> (as above, non-whitespace),
  :starts-on-whitespace? -> (whether s starts on whitespace)."
  (if (empty? s)
    (assoc (group-by (comp is-clojure-whitespace? first)
                     (map (partial apply str)
                          (partition-by is-clojure-whitespace? s)))
      (if (is-clojure-whitespace? (first s)) true false))))

(defn string-assoc-in [s coords subst]
  (let [{space-blocks true
         starts-on-whitespace? :starts-on-whitespace?}
        (whitespace-split s)
        s-obj (assoc-in (binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string s))
                        (binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string subst)))
        {non-space-blocks false}
        (whitespace-split (pr-str s-obj))]
    (apply str
           (if starts-on-whitespace?
             (interleave space-blocks (concat non-space-blocks [nil]))
             (interleave non-space-blocks (concat space-blocks [nil]))))))


user> (string-assoc-in "[:a [:b,, :c]]" [1 0] ":new")
"[:a [:new,, :c]]"

Update: Ouch, caught a bug:

user> (string-assoc-in "[:a [:b,, :c\n]]" [1 0] ":new")
"[:a [:new,, :c]]\n"

I'd love it if it didn't matter, but I guess I'll have to try and do something about it... sigh

like image 43
Michał Marczyk Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Michał Marczyk