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Synonym Search Using Sphinx

Has somebody written a morphology engine for synonyms on sphinx. Or is the best bet still to create a word forms dictionary which declares all my synonyms. Also how will this affecting stemming. In the documentation it states:

stemming is not applied to words found in the forms list

Does this mean that if I have defined running > run in my wordform that runs will not be stemmed to run because run appears in my word forms list?

like image 651
Logan Bailey Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 02:11

Logan Bailey

1 Answers

You can create synonyms in mongo or mysql for example, and do query preporcessing, so when somebody do search with:


you will change the query to:


which allow you to do morphology search on those words, because stemming doesn't apply to word-forms as you have mentioned.

like image 113
nateless Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11
