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Synchronous I/O within an async/await-based Windows Service

Let's say I have a Windows Service which is doing some bit of work, then sleeping for a short amount of time, over and over forever (until the service is shut down). So in the service's OnStart, I could start up a thread whose entry point is something like:

private void WorkerThreadFunc()
    while (!shuttingDown)

And in the service's OnStop, I somehow set that shuttingDown flag and then join the thread. Actually there might be several such threads, and other threads too, all started in OnStart and shut down/joined in OnStop.

If I want to instead do this sort of thing in an async/await based Windows Service, it seems like I could have OnStart create cancelable tasks but not await (or wait) on them, and have OnStop cancel those tasks and then Task.WhenAll().Wait() on them. If I understand correctly, the equivalent of the "WorkerThreadFunc" shown above might be something like:

private async Task WorkAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
    while (true)
        await Task.Delay(10, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);

Question #1: Uh... right? I am new to async/await and still trying to get my head around it.

Assuming that's right, now let's say that DoSomething() call is (or includes) a synchronous write I/O to some piece of hardware. If I'm understanding correctly:

Question #2: That is bad? I shouldn't be doing synchronous I/O within a Task in an async/await-based program? Because it ties up a thread from the thread pool while the I/O is happening, and threads from the thread pool are a highly limited resource? Please note that I might have dozens of such Workers going simultaneously to different pieces of hardware.

I am not sure I'm understanding that correctly - I am getting the idea that it's bad from articles like Stephen Cleary's "Task.Run Etiquette Examples: Don't Use Task.Run for the Wrong Thing", but that's specifically about it being bad to do blocking work within Task.Run. I'm not sure if it's also bad if I'm just doing it directly, as in the "private async Task Work()" example above?

Assuming that's bad too, then if I understand correctly I should instead utilize the nonblocking version of DoSomething (creating a nonblocking version of it if it doesn't already exist), and then:

private async Task WorkAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
    while (true)
        await DoSomethingAsync(cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);
        await Task.Delay(10, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);

Question #3: But... what if DoSomething is from a third party library, which I must use and cannot alter, and that library doesn't expose a nonblocking version of DoSomething? It's just a black box set in stone that at some point does a blocking write to a piece of hardware.

Maybe I wrap it and use TaskCompletionSource? Something like:

private async Task WorkAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
    while (true)
        await WrappedDoSomething().ConfigureAwait(false);
        await Task.Delay(10, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);

private Task WrappedDoSomething()
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
    return tcs.Task;

But that seems like it's just pushing the issue down a bit further rather than resolving it. WorkAsync() will still block when it calls WrappedDoSomething(), and only get to the "await" for that after WrappedDoSomething() has already completed the blocking work. Right?

Given that (if I understand correctly) in the general case async/await should be allowed to "spread" all the way up and down in a program, would this mean that if I need to use such a library, I essentially should not make the program async/await-based? I should go back to the Thread/WorkerThreadFunc/Thread.Sleep world?

What if an async/await-based program already exists, doing other things, but now additional functionality that uses such a library needs to be added to it? Does that mean that the async/await-based program should be rewritten as a Thread/etc.-based program?

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Bob Vesterman Avatar asked May 03 '16 09:05

Bob Vesterman

People also ask

Does async await make it synchronous?

Async/await helps you write synchronous-looking JavaScript code that works asynchronously. Await is in an async function to ensure that all promises that are returned in the function are synchronized. With async/await, there's no use of callbacks.

How is async await different from synchronous?

Your async code block is waiting for the await call to return to continue, however the rest of your application isn't waiting and can still continue like normal. In contrast, a synchronous call would make your entire application or thread wait until the code finished executing to continue on with anything else.

What is asynchronous and synchronous in C#?

In synchronous operations tasks are performed one at a time and only when one is completed, the following is unblocked. In other words, you need to wait for a task to finish to move to the next one. In asynchronous operations, on the other hand, you can move to another task before the previous one finishes.

What happens during async await?

The async keyword turns a method into an async method, which allows you to use the await keyword in its body. When the await keyword is applied, it suspends the calling method and yields control back to its caller until the awaited task is complete.

1 Answers

Actually there might be several such threads, and other threads too, all started in OnStart and shut down/joined in OnStop.

On a side note, it's usually simpler to have a single "master" thread that will start/join all the others. Then OnStart/OnStop just deals with the master thread.

If I want to instead do this sort of thing in an async/await based Windows Service, it seems like I could have OnStart create cancelable tasks but not await (or wait) on them, and have OnStop cancel those tasks and then Task.WhenAll().Wait() on them.

That's a perfectly acceptable approach.

If I understand correctly, the equivalent of the "WorkerThreadFunc" shown above might be something like:

Probably want to pass the CancellationToken down; cancellation can be used by synchronous code, too:

private async Task WorkAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
  while (true)
    await Task.Delay(10, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);

Question #1: Uh... right? I am new to async/await and still trying to get my head around it.

It's not wrong, but it only saves you one thread on a Win32 service, which doesn't do much for you.

Question #2: That is bad? I shouldn't be doing synchronous I/O within a Task in an async/await-based program? Because it ties up a thread from the thread pool while the I/O is happening, and threads from the thread pool are a highly limited resource? Please note that I might have dozens of such Workers going simultaneously to different pieces of hardware.

Dozens of threads are not a lot. Generally, asynchronous I/O is better because it doesn't use any threads at all, but in this case you're on the desktop, so threads are not a highly limited resource. async is most beneficial on UI apps (where the UI thread is special and needs to be freed), and ASP.NET apps that need to scale (where the thread pool limits scalability).

Bottom line: calling a blocking method from an asynchronous method is not bad but it's not the best, either. If there is an asynchronous method, call that instead. But if there isn't, then just keep the blocking call and document it in the XML comments for that method (because an asynchronous method blocking is rather surprising behavior).

I am getting the idea that it's bad from articles like Stephen Cleary's "Task.Run Etiquette Examples: Don't Use Task.Run for the Wrong Thing", but that's specifically about it being bad to do blocking work within Task.Run.

Yes, that is specifically about using Task.Run to wrap synchronous methods and pretend they're asynchronous. It's a common mistake; all it does is trade one thread pool thread for another.

Assuming that's bad too, then if I understand correctly I should instead utilize the nonblocking version of DoSomething (creating a nonblocking version of it if it doesn't already exist)

Asynchronous is better (in terms of resource utilization - that is, fewer threads used), so if you want/need to reduce the number of threads, you should use async.

Question #3: But... what if DoSomething is from a third party library, which I must use and cannot alter, and that library doesn't expose a nonblocking version of DoSomething? It's just a black box set in stone that at some point does a blocking write to a piece of hardware.

Then just call it directly.

Maybe I wrap it and use TaskCompletionSource?

No, that doesn't do anything useful. That just calls it synchronously and then returns an already-completed task.

But that seems like it's just pushing the issue down a bit further rather than resolving it. WorkAsync() will still block when it calls WrappedDoSomething(), and only get to the "await" for that after WrappedDoSomething() has already completed the blocking work. Right?


Given that (if I understand correctly) in the general case async/await should be allowed to "spread" all the way up and down in a program, would this mean that if I need to use such a library, I essentially should not make the program async/await-based? I should go back to the Thread/WorkerThreadFunc/Thread.Sleep world?

Assuming you already have a blocking Win32 service, it's probably fine to just keep it as it is. If you are writing a new one, personally I would make it async to reduce threads and allow asynchronous APIs, but you don't have to do it either way. I prefer Tasks over Threads in general, since it's much easier to get results from Tasks (including exceptions).

The "async all the way" rule only goes one way. That is, once you call an async method, then its caller should be async, and its caller should be async, etc. It does not mean that every method called by an async method must be async.

So, one good reason to have an async Win32 service would be if there's an async-only API you need to consume. That would cause your DoSomething method to become async DoSomethingAsync.

What if an async/await-based program already exists, doing other things, but now additional functionality that uses such a library needs to be added to it? Does that mean that the async/await-based program should be rewritten as a Thread/etc.-based program?

No. You can always just block from an async method. With proper documentation so when you are reusing/maintaining this code a year from now, you don't swear at your past self. :)

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Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Stephen Cleary