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Synchronizing sqlite database from memory to file

I'm writing an application which must log information pretty frequently, say, twice in a second. I wish to save the information to an sqlite database, however I don't mind to commit changes to the disk once every ten minutes.

Executing my queries when using a file-database takes to long, and makes the computer lag.

An optional solution is to use an in-memory database (it will fit, no worries), and synchronize it to the disk from time to time,

Is it possible? Is there a better way to achieve that (can you tell sqlite to commit to disk only after X queries?).

Can I solve this with Qt's SQL wrapper?

like image 411
Elazar Leibovich Avatar asked Jun 22 '10 15:06

Elazar Leibovich

2 Answers

If you're executing each insert within it's own transaction - that could be a significant contributor to the slow-downs you're seeing. Perhaps you could:

  • Count the number of records inserted so far
  • Begin a transaction
  • Insert your record
  • Increment count
  • Commit/end transaction when N records have been inserted
  • Repeat

The downside is that if the system crashes during that period you risk loosing the un-committed records (but if you were willing to use an in-memory database, than it sounds like you're OK with that risk).

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Mike Willekes Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 12:10

Mike Willekes

A brief search of the SQLite documentation turned up nothing useful (it wasn't likely and I didn't expect it).

Why not use a background thread that wakes up every 10 minutes, copies all of the log rows from the in-memory database to the external database (and deletes them from the in-memory database). When your program is ready to end, wake up the background thread one last time to save the last logs, then close all of the connections.

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Craig Trader Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 13:10

Craig Trader