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Synchronization, When to or not to use?

I have started learning concurrency and threads in Java. I know the basics of synchronized (i.e. what it does). Conceptually I understand that it provides mutually exclusive access to a shared resource with multiple threads in Java. But when faced with an example like the one below I am confused about whether it is a good idea to have it synchronized. I know that critical sections of the code should be synchronized and this keyword should not be overused or it effects the performance.

public static synchronized List<AClass> sortA(AClass[] aArray) 
    List<AClass> aObj = getList(aArray);

    Collections.sort(aObj, new AComparator());

    return aObj;

public static synchronized List<AClass> getList(AClass[] anArray) 
    //It converts an array to a list and returns
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mu_sa Avatar asked May 14 '12 10:05


People also ask

Where synchronization is needed and why?

The need for synchronization originates when processes need to execute concurrently. The main purpose of synchronization is the sharing of resources without interference using mutual exclusion. The other purpose is the coordination of the process interactions in an operating system.

What is synchronization when do we use it?

Synchronization is a process of handling resource accessibility by multiple thread requests. The main purpose of synchronization is to avoid thread interference. At times when more than one thread try to access a shared resource, we need to ensure that resource will be used by only one thread at a time.

What is the disadvantage of synchronization?

The main advantage of synchronization is that by using the synchronized keyword we can resolve the date inconsistency problem. But the main disadvantage of a synchronized keyword is it increases the waiting time of the thread and affects the performance of the system.

Why do we use Synchronisation?

Synchronization in java is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to any shared resource. In the Multithreading concept, multiple threads try to access the shared resources at a time to produce inconsistent results. The synchronization is necessary for reliable communication between threads.

2 Answers

Synchronization is usually needed when you are sharing data between multiple invocations and there is a possibility that the data would be modified resulting in inconsistency. If the data is read-only then you dont need to synchronize.

In the code snippet above, there is no data that is being shared. The methods work on the input provided and return the output. If multiple threads invoke one of your method, each invocation will have its own input and output. Hence, there is no chance of in-consistency anywhere. So, your methods in the above snippet need not be synchornized.

Synchronisation, if unnecessarily used, would sure degrade the performance due to the overheads involved and hence should be cautiously used only when required.

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Drona Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09


Assuming each thread passes a different array then no synchronization is needed, because the rest of the variables are local.

If instead you fire off a few threads all calling sortA and passing a reference to the same array, you'd be in trouble without synchronized, because they would interfere with eachother.

Beware, that it would seem from the example that the getList method returns a new List from an array, such that even if the threads pass the same array, you get different List objects. This is misleading. For example, using Arrays.asList creates a List backed by the given array, but the javadoc clearly states that Changes to the returned list "write through" to the array. so be careful about this.

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Tudor Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
