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Sync two buckets through boto3

Is there any way to use boto3 to loop the bucket contents in two different buckets (source and target) and if it finds any key in source that does not match with target, it uploads it to the target bucket. please note I do not want to use aws s3 sync. I am currently using the following code for doing this job:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
src = s3.Bucket('sourcenabcap')
dst = s3.Bucket('destinationnabcap')
objs = list(dst.objects.all())
for k in src.objects.all():
 if (k.key !=objs[0].key):
  # copy the k.key to target
like image 758
milad ahmadi Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 02:11

milad ahmadi

2 Answers

in case you decide not to use boto3. the sync command is still not available for boto3, so you could use it directly

# python 3

import os

sync_command = f"aws s3 sync s3://source-bucket/ s3://destination-bucket/"
like image 174
anyavacy Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 08:12


I've just implemented a simple class for this matter (sync a local folder to a bucket). I'm posting it here hoping it help anyone with the same issue.

You could modify S3Sync.sync in order to take file size into account.

from pathlib import Path
from bisect import bisect_left

import boto3

class S3Sync:
    Class that holds the operations needed for synchronize local dirs to a given bucket.

    def __init__(self):
        self._s3 = boto3.client('s3')

    def sync(self, source: str, dest: str) -> [str]:
        Sync source to dest, this means that all elements existing in
        source that not exists in dest will be copied to dest.

        No element will be deleted.

        :param source: Source folder.
        :param dest: Destination folder.

        :return: None

        paths = self.list_source_objects(source_folder=source)
        objects = self.list_bucket_objects(dest)

        # Getting the keys and ordering to perform binary search
        # each time we want to check if any paths is already there.
        object_keys = [obj['Key'] for obj in objects]
        object_keys_length = len(object_keys)
        for path in paths:
            # Binary search.
            index = bisect_left(object_keys, path)
            if index == object_keys_length:
                # If path not found in object_keys, it has to be sync-ed.
                self._s3.upload_file(str(Path(source).joinpath(path)),  Bucket=dest, Key=path)

    def list_bucket_objects(self, bucket: str) -> [dict]:
        List all objects for the given bucket.

        :param bucket: Bucket name.
        :return: A [dict] containing the elements in the bucket.

        Example of a single object.

            'Key': 'example/example.txt',
            'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 4, 13, 50, 34, 893000, tzinfo=tzutc()),
            'ETag': '"b11564415be7f58435013b414a59ae5c"',
            'Size': 115280,
            'StorageClass': 'STANDARD',
            'Owner': {
                'DisplayName': 'webfile',
                'ID': '75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a'

            contents = self._s3.list_objects(Bucket=bucket)['Contents']
        except KeyError:
            # No Contents Key, empty bucket.
            return []
            return contents

    def list_source_objects(source_folder: str) -> [str]:
        :param source_folder:  Root folder for resources you want to list.
        :return: A [str] containing relative names of the files.


                - example
                    - file_1.txt
                    - some_folder
                        - file_2.txt

            >>> sync.list_source_objects("/tmp/example")
            ['file_1.txt', 'some_folder/file_2.txt']


        path = Path(source_folder)

        paths = []

        for file_path in path.rglob("*"):
            if file_path.is_dir():
            str_file_path = str(file_path)
            str_file_path = str_file_path.replace(f'{str(path)}/', "")

        return paths

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sync = S3Sync()
    sync.sync("/temp/some_folder", "some_bucket_name")

Also replacing if file_path.is_dir(): with if not file_path.is_file(): lets it bypass links that don't resolve and other such nonsense, thanks @keithpjolley for pointing this out.

like image 23
Raydel Miranda Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 10:12

Raydel Miranda