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Symfony2 Using Query in Custom Repository Class

I have a Repository Class with a method to call a custom Query. When I try to call findAllWithRating() from inside a controller I got the following exception:

[2/2] QueryException: [Syntax Error] line 0, col 156: Error: Unexpected 'NULL'

If I try to call the query within phpmyadmin the query works great!

Any Idea?

namespace Anchorbrands\Bundle\MessageBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;

class MessageRepository extends EntityRepository

    public function findAllWithRating() {
        return $this->getEntityManager()
            ->createQuery("SELECT id, user_id, title, slug, content, question, image_name, created_at, updated_at,
                    MAX(CASE WHEN rating = '1' THEN totalCount ELSE NULL END) 'Rating 1',
                    MAX(CASE WHEN rating = '2' THEN totalCount ELSE NULL END) 'Rating 2',
                    MAX(CASE WHEN rating = '3' THEN totalCount ELSE NULL END) 'Rating 3'
                SELECT  a.id, a.user_id, a.title, a.slug , a.content, a.question, a.image_name, a.created_at, a.updated_at,
                        rating, COUNT(*) totalCount
                FROM    AnchorbrandsMessageBundle:Message a
                        LEFT JOIN AnchorbrandsMessageBundle:Rating b
                            ON a.id = message_id
                GROUP BY a.id, a.user_id, a.title, a.slug, a.content, a.question, a.image_name, a.created_at, a.updated_at, rating
            ) r
            GROUP BY id, user_id, title, slug, content, question, image_name, created_at, updated_at")->getResult();

like image 827
smartius Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 11:01


1 Answers

You seem to mix DQL and SQL. You can have a look at what is possible with DQL here.

Looking at your query, I suggest that you use SQL instead of DQL.

An example of how to do a SQL query inside a repository:

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = :id';
$params = array(
    'id' => 4,

return $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->executeQuery($sql, $params)->fetchAll();
like image 86
AdrienBrault Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 02:01
