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Symfony2: How to access to service from repository




I have class ModelsRepository:

class ModelsRepository extends EntityRepository

And service

 class:        ProjectName\MyBundle\Common\Container
 arguments:    [@service_container]

I want get access from ModelsRepository to service container_data. I can't transmit service from controller used constructor.

Do you know how to do it?

like image 895
Alastor Avatar asked Oct 19 '12 09:10


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Mostly due to traditional registration of Doctrine repositories. The way out from service locators to repository as service was described by many before and now we put it into Symfony 3.3 context. This post is follow up to StackOverflow answer to clarify key points and show the sweetest version yet.

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When you use these type-hints in your controller methods or inside your own services, Symfony will automatically pass you the service object matching that type. Throughout the docs, you'll see how to use the many different services that live in the container.

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2 Answers

I strongly agree that this should only be done when absolutely necessary. Though there is a quite simpler approach possible now (tested with Symfony 2.8).

  1. Implement in your repository "ContainerAwareInterface"
  2. Use the "ContainerAwareTrait"
  3. adjust the services.yml


namespace AcmeBundle\Repository;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait;
use AcmeBundle\Entity\User;

class UserRepository extends EntityRepository implements ContainerAwareInterface

    use ContainerAwareTrait;

    public function findUserBySomething($param)
        $service = $this->container->get('my.other.service');



    lazy: true
    class: AcmeBundle\Repository\UserRepository
    factory: ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager', getRepository]
        - "AcmeBundle:Entity/User"
        - method: setContainer
            - '@service_container'
like image 126
con Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09


I tried some versions. Problem was solved follows


class ModelRepository extends EntityRepository
    private $container;

    function __construct($container, $em) {
        $class = new ClassMetadata('ProjectName\MyBundle\Entity\ModelEntity');
        $this->container = $container;

        parent::__construct($em, $class);


        id: model_auth


    class: ProjectName\MyBundle\Repository\ModelRepository

As a result I got repository with ability use container - as required. But this realization can be used only in critical cases, because she has limitations for Repository. Thx 4all.

like image 28
Alastor Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
