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Symfony2, Doctrine search and order by distance

I have a database of places which I store the latitude and longitude for. I want to query the database to find all places within a radius ($requestedDistance) of a specific latitude ($latitude) and longitude ($longitude).

The below query works and returns only those places within this radius, however how would I order them by distance so the closest is first? In the past, using raw SQL I have done the calculation within the SELECT statement and set it as 'distance' and then used HAVING distance < $requestedDistance ORDER BY distance, however I'm not sure how to add the calculation to the SELECT query using Doctrine Repository.

$d = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('XXXWebsiteBundle:Locations')->createQueryBuilder('l');
            ->add('where','l.enabled = 1')
            ->andWhere('( 3959 * acos( cos( radians('.$latitude.') )
                * cos( radians( l.latitude ) )
                * cos( radians( l.longitude )
                - radians('.$longitude.') )
                + sin( radians('.$latitude.') )
                * sin( radians( l.latitude ) ) ) ) < '.$requestedDistance);

       $result= $d->getQuery();


I've tried the following query thanks to @Lazy Ants:

$d = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('XXXWebsiteBundle:Locations')->createQueryBuilder('l');
            '( 3959 * acos(cos(radians(' . $latitude . '))' .
                '* cos( radians( l.latitude ) )' .
                '* cos( radians( l.longitude )' .
                '- radians(' . $longitude . ') )' .
                '+ sin( radians(' . $latitude . ') )' .
                '* sin( radians( l.latitude ) ) ) ) as distance'
        ->andWhere('l.enabled = :enabled')
        ->setParameter('enabled', 1)
        ->andWhere('distance < :distance')
        ->setParameter('distance', $requestedDistance)
        ->orderBy('distance', 'ASC');

However, it returns the following error:

`An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS dctrn_count FROM 
(SELECT DISTINCT il0 FROM (SELECT l0_.id AS il0, l0_.name AS name2, l0_.address1 
AS address14, l0_.address2 AS address25, l0_.postcode AS postcode6, l0_.town AS 
town7, l0_.county AS county8, l0_.enabled AS enabled11, l0_.date_created AS 
date_created12, l0_.date_modified AS date_modified13, l0_.latitude AS 
latitude19, l0_.longitude AS longitude20, 3959 * ACOS(COS(RADIANS(53.51331889999999)) 
* COS(RADIANS(l0_.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(l0_.longitude) - 
RADIANS(-2.935331099999985)) + SIN(RADIANS(53.51331889999999)) * 
SIN(RADIANS(l0_.latitude))) AS sclr21 FROM locations l0_ WHERE l0_.enabled = ? 
AND sclr21 < ? ORDER BY sclr21 ASC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table' with params 

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'sclr21' in 'where clause'`
like image 950
user1961082 Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 09:03


1 Answers

    $d = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('XXXWebsiteBundle:Locations')->createQueryBuilder('l');
            '( 3959 * acos(cos(radians(' . $latitude . '))' .
                '* cos( radians( l.latitude ) )' .
                '* cos( radians( l.longitude )' .
                '- radians(' . $longitude . ') )' .
                '+ sin( radians(' . $latitude . ') )' .
                '* sin( radians( l.latitude ) ) ) ) as distance'
        ->andWhere('l.enabled = :enabled')
        ->setParameter('enabled', 1)
        ->having('distance < :distance')
        ->setParameter('distance', $requestedDistance)
        ->orderBy('distance', 'ASC');
like image 182
Lazy Ants Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Lazy Ants