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Symfony2 custom annotations for objects



Does anyone know if it's possible to have a bundle use the annotation reader to read new custom annotations for non Doctrine objects? Everything I've seen so far is either for a controller or to extend Doctrine in some way.

What I'd like to be able to do is something like this:

class MyTestClass {

   * @MyBundleName\Foo
  public $foo_var;

   * @MyBundleName\Bar
  public $bar_var;

And then have some code that when given an instance of MyTestClass could work out which annotation applied to which attribute.

like image 792
pogo Avatar asked Apr 06 '12 18:04


1 Answers

Right, bit more digging into how Doctrine does this and I think I know how to do it. So if anyone else needs to do this here's how I'm doing it (would be appreciative of any feedback)

I have a service that I'm using to read the annotations so in config.yml I've included the annotation_reader service which provides access to the methods to read your annotations.

Each annotation needs to resolve to a class and the class must extend the base Doctrine annotation class, so to do the Foo annotation from my question you'd do something like:

namespace MyBundleName

class Foo extends \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation {


Then you can read the annotations by doing:

$class = get_class($object);
foreach(object_get_vars($object) as $fieldname => $val){

    //$this->annotationReader is an instance of the annotation_reader service
    $annotations = $this->annotationReader
                      new \ReflectionProperty($class, $fieldName)

   //$annotations will now contain an array of matched annotations, most likely just an instance of the annotation class created earlier

Hope that can be of use to someone else!

like image 168
pogo Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 11:10
