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Symfony2 Composer Install

I am trying to install Symfony 2.1.3 (latest). I am running composer and installs everything okay. The only error that I get is:

Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache 
handling the  post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception

An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command. 

It's being installed under www folder. I am running nginx and followed the composer approach. I read on internet that apache should be run manually not as a service, however I am using nginx instead. Does apache still have any bearing on it? I'm using debian squeeze.

Edit: As per AdrienBrault's suggestion the error was because the timezone was not set in the php.ini. Only with --verbose I could see the warning. Thanks guys.

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Marin Avatar asked Nov 12 '12 05:11


1 Answers

Apache is not related - PHP is called via command line.

Most likely is the permission in the cache folder: did you check if the user that runs the composer update can actually write the cache folder?

Try to manually run rm -Rf app/cache/dev (for production environment replace dev with prod) and see if you get any permission error.

Also you will get this error if the default.timezone setting is not configured in php when running in CLI. To verify just run

php --info | grep timezone

and check that the setting date.timezone is correctly configured.

On the security side, setting 777 to the folder is not the optimal solution - if you have ACL enabled you could use that to correctly set up the permission for the cache and logs folder. Read more at the Symfony2 official installation page

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Roberto Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11
