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Symfony form design

I have an Event entity, where entities of People can attend. After an event, the host of the event sits down and is supposed to be presented with a form like this.

         user a    user b     user c      user d     user e    user f     user g
user a     _
user b               _
user c                          _
user d                                      _
user e                                                 _
user f                                                           _
user g                                                                      _

All blanks are checkboxes whether a user likes another user. Underscores are disabled checkboxes, since a user cannot like themselves. Should I use a choice_list? I want to process the input like this:

foreach(guests as guest)//horizontal
    foreach(guests as other)//vertical
         if(guest != other && guest.likes(other) && other.likes(guest))
             //do something

How would I use the formbuilder to achieve something like this?

like image 787
No_name Avatar asked Mar 13 '14 21:03


1 Answers

Doesn't this type of form suits your needs?

$userIDsArray = $userIDsArray = array('1' => 'name1','2' => 'name2','3' => 'name3','4' => 'name4');

$form = $this->createFormBuilder($initialData);
    foreach($userIDsArray as $userId)
        $form->add($userId, 'choice', array(
                        'choices' => $userIDsArray,
                        'multiple' => true,
                        'expanded' => true 
$form = $form->getForm();

For this array of users, checking for user 1 all other three users and for user 3 only the forth, will produce a result like this.

array (size=4)
  'name1' => 
    array (size=3)
      0 => int 2
      1 => int 3
      2 => int 4
  'name2' => 
    array (size=0)
  'name3' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => int 4
  'name4' => 
    array (size=0)

When you render the form you can iterate over every item in form and then for every item you can iterate over every choice and disable the ones you want:

{% for formWidget in classForm %}
    {{ form_label(formWidget) }}
    {% for child in formWidget %}
        {{ form_widget(child) }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Of course, you can use differents arrays for rows in form and for choices, implementing the structure you desire.

like image 87
ggavrilut Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
