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Symfony form collection not saving reference

I have entity which has multiple Photos:

 * related images
 * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Photo", mappedBy="entity",cascade={"persist"})
 * @ORM\OrderBy({"uploaded_at" = "ASC"})
private $photos;

Photos have ManyToOne relation with entity

 * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Acme\AppBundle\Entity\Entity", inversedBy="photos")
 * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="entity_id", referencedColumnName="id", onDelete="CASCADE")
private $entity;

all setters and getter are set I'm foliving symfony collection documentation: http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/types/collection.html


             ->add('photos', 'collection', array(
             'type' => new PhotoFormType(),
             'allow_add' => true,
             'by_reference' => false,
             'allow_delete' => true,
             'prototype' => true



        ->add('title', null, ['label' => 'front.photo.title', 'required' => true])
        ->add('image', 'file', array('required' => false))

For upload I'm using vichUploadableBundle, Images are save just fine, but entity_id is not save and has null. I don't know what I did miss here.

like image 373
zajca Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 23:12


1 Answers

Following would be best solution on this issue so far investigate or research with symfony form component.


     ->add("photos",'collection', array(
            'type' => new PhotoFormType(),
            'allow_add' => true,
            'allow_delete' => true,
            'by_reference' => false

Entity class

public function addPhoto(Photo $photo)

public function removePhoto(Photo $photo)

Best practice is not to use loop to bind reference entity manually . Remember by_reference must be false. like 'by_reference' => false.

like image 142
Julfiker Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 04:12
