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Symfony Config Treebuilder



I'm looking to create a configuration like the following:

        dynamic_key_1: [array, of, values]
        dynamic_key_2: [array, of, values]

I can't seem to figure out the correct Treebuilder syntax.

I've tried:


but I get:

Invalid type for path "root_node.static_key.dynamic_key_1". Expected scalar, but got array.

and when I switch to:


I get:

Unrecognized options "0, 1, 2" under "root_node.static_key.dynamic_key_1"

I've eventually figured out I could have the configuration pass using:


but that doesn't guarantee I get an array.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

I know I can do something like this:

/// treebuilder

# config.yml
        # two different syntaxes for emphasis
            attr_1: value_1
            attr_2: value_2
        dynamic_key_2: {attr_1: value_3, attr_2: value_4}

and receive the following PHP array:

array('root_node' => array(
    'static_key' => array(
        'dynamic_key_1' => array(
            'attr_1' => 'value_1', 
            'attr_2' => 'value_2'
        'dynamic_key_2' => array(
            'attr_1' => 'value_3', 
            'attr_2' => 'value_4'

I've done it before.

I just done know why I can't strictly ask for a non-associative array:

What's so different about {attr_1: value_3, attr_2: value_4} vs [value_3, value_4]? To me, both are arrays: one is associative, and the other is not.

like image 862
captivej Avatar asked Dec 16 '15 22:12


1 Answers

Dynamic keys are not supported.

you should make something like this:

        - { key: dynamic_key_1, value: [array, of, values] }
        - { key: dynamic_key_2, value: [array, of, values] }

and if i am right you might get something like this:

like image 196
Frank B Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Frank B