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Symbols in Clojure



What is the rationale for Symbols in Clojure to be bound to an underlying object and have an optional separate value ? Perhaps something elementary I am missing but would be great if someone could point out the Why.

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Arun R Avatar asked Feb 23 '10 17:02

Arun R

People also ask

What are symbols in Clojure?

In Common Lisp, a "symbol" is a location in memory, a place where data can be stored. The "value" of a symbol is the data stored at that location in memory. In Clojure, a "symbol" is just a name. It has no value.

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2 Answers

General intro:

Symbols in any Lisp are used as identifiers. If you're going to refer to the value of a variable, say, you need to have a way of naming it; that's what symbols are for. Remember that all Lisp code gets translated at read time to Lisp data structures; identifiers must also be represented by some data structure and it happens to be the symbol. Upon encountering a symbol, eval dispatches to some kind of a "name lookup" operation.

Moving from Lisp generalities to Clojure particulars, the behaviour of the Clojure eval / compiler is that upon encountering a symbol, it takes it to be a name for either a let-introduced local variable or function parameter or the name of an entry in a namespace. Actually only non-namespace-qualified symbols may be used in the first capacity (meaning symbols of the form foo and not some-namespace/foo).

A roughly sketched example:

For a non-namespace-qualified symbol foo, if a let binding / function parameter of name foo is found, the symbol evaluates to its value. If not, the symbol gets transformed to the form *ns*/foo (*ns* denotes the current namespace) and an attempt is made to look up a curresponding entry in *ns*; if there is such an entry, its value is returned, if not, an exception is thrown.

Note that a symbol like identity, when used in namespace quux, will be resolved to clojure.core/identity through an intermediate step in which an entry under quux/identity is discovered; this will normally refer to clojure.core/identity. That's an implementation detail one doesn't think of when coding intuitively, but which I find impossible not to mention when trying to explain this.

A symbol which is already namespace-qualified (something like a zip/root in a namespace which refers to clojure.zip without use'ing it) will be looked up in the appropriate namespace.

There's some added complexity with macros (which can only occur in operator position), but it's not really something relevant to the behaviour of symbols themselves.

Vars vs Symbols:

Note that in Clojure, symbols are not themselves storage locations -- Vars are. So when I say in the above that a symbol gets looked up in a namespace, what I mean is that eval looks up the Var named by the symbol resolved to its namespace-qualified form and then takes the value of that. The special form var (often abbreviated to #') modifies this behaviour so that the Var object itself is returned. The mechanics of symbol-to-Var resolution are unchanged, though.

Closing remarks:

Note that all this means that symbols are only "bound" to objects in the sense that eval, when evaluating a symbol, goes on to look for some further object. The symbol itself has no "slot" or "field" for an object to be bound to it; any impression that a symbol is "bound" to some object is due to eval's workings. This is a Clojure characteristic, as in some Lisps symbols do themselves act as storage locations.

Finally, one can use the usual quoting mechanism to prevent the evaluation of a symbol: in 'foo, the symbol foo will not be evaluted (so no name lookup of any sort will be performed); it'll be returned unchanged instead.

In response to OP's comment: Try this for fun:

(defmacro symbol?? [x]   (if (symbol? x)     true     false))  (def s 1) (symbol? s) ; => false (symbol?? s) ; => true (symbol? 's) ; => true (symbol?? 's) ; => false 

The last one explained: 's is shorthand for (quote s); this is a list structure, not a symbol. A macro operates on its arguments passed in directly, without being evaluated; so in (symbol?? 's) it actually sees the (quote s) list structure, which is of course not itself a symbol -- although when passed to eval, it would evaluate to one.

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Michał Marczyk Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Michał Marczyk

There may be some confusion here from the different usages of the term "symbol" in Common Lisp and in Clojure.

In Common Lisp, a "symbol" is a location in memory, a place where data can be stored. The "value" of a symbol is the data stored at that location in memory.

In Clojure, a "symbol" is just a name. It has no value.

When the Clojure compiler encounters a symbol, it tries to resolve it as

  1. a Java class name (if the symbol contains a dot)
  2. a local (as with "let" or function parameters)
  3. a Var in the current Namespace
  4. a Var referred from another Namespace

The Var, as a previous poster pointed out, represents a storage location.

There are good reasons why Clojure separates Vars from Symbols. First, it avoids the annoyance of Common Lisp's automatically-interned symbols, which can "pollute" a package with unwanted symbols.

Secondly, Clojure Vars have special semantics with regard to concurrency. A Var has a exactly one "root binding" visible to all threads. (When you type "def" you are setting the root binding of a Var.) Changes to a Var made within a thread (using "set!" or "binding") are visible only to that thread and its children.

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Stuart Sierra Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Stuart Sierra