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Switching Wiris http to https



We have implemented the Wiris tool into an application, but when you open the editor in Chrome for example you need to click the shield and select 'Load unsafe script' each time. As a note the application it is integrated with is https.

enter image description here

I know that when you inspect the tool there are three links in the markup:




I can only assume that because these are http they are triggering the security option each time the editor is opened. Does anyone know if it is possible to launch the editor with https so that it can be used more efficiently.

like image 973
Jd_Daniels Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 03:10


1 Answers

In the configuration.ini file for WIRIS there is a variable called wirisimageserviceprotocol.

You could try setting the value of that to https like this:

wirisimageserviceprotocol = https

Reference: WIRIS Configuration

like image 107
97ldave Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10
