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Switch to Python 3.x in Spyder


By default Spyder uses Python 2.7.2, and my question is: is there a way to set up Spyder so that it automatically uses Python 3.x? Thanks!

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alittleboy Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 21:10


People also ask

How do I switch to Spyder Python 3?

To work with an existing environment in Spyder, you need to change Spyder's default Python interpreter. To do so, click the name of the current environment in the status bar, and then click Change default environment in Preferences. This will open the Preferences dialog in the Python interpreter section.

How do I change my Spyder path in Python?

Press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+P to open the Preferences window. Within this window, select the Console item on the left, then the Advanced Settings tab. The path to the Python executable will be right there.

What version of Python does Spyder use?

The requirements to run Spyder are: Python 2.7 or >=3.3.

1 Answers

Since end of May 2013, version v2.3.0dev1 of Spyder works for Python 3.3 and above.
It is in a usable state but there are a few minor problems. Hopefully they will be resolved soon.

like image 98
Daniel Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 08:12
