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Switch current tab from notification in Google Chrome extension

Am I missing something in the Chrome tabs documentation or is there a way for an extension to change the currently active tab?

I have an extension which, once the tab has finished loading, pops up a notification and, if the loaded tab is not selected, offers the user the change to change it to selected. Or at least that's what I want it to do.

Reading the notifications API I don't see any mention of a way of accessing chrome.tabs.get, but there is chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(). Anyone have any idea on how to turn that into what I'm looking to do?

Many thanks in advance.

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Dan Atkinson Avatar asked Aug 28 '11 20:08

Dan Atkinson

2 Answers

You can make a tab selected with:

chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {highlighted: true});

Chrome API is available inside notification html, so you can call any chrome.* method you like.

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serg Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09


Not sure, but could you try adding a content script in an inactive tab (or just in all tabs), then sending a request to a non-active tab (sendRequest)? The content script should execute window.focus(). Again, not sure whether this works.

Update the inactive tab, and pass { selected: true }. That should work, since it's listed as an available setting there.

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pimvdb Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
