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Switch between the tabItems shiny dashboard

I'am in the process of creating a shiny dashbord, I create 3 tabItems the problem is that when I click on one of the menuItem I can not click on again, i can't switch between the tabItems . Can someone help me please the code R #UI


 shinyUI(dashboardPage(skin = "black",
 dashboardHeader(title = h4("Tableau de bord des élections",style =      "color:navy"),
 titleWidth = 300
 menuItem(h4(strong("Dashboard", align = "center")), tabName = "dashboard"),
 menuItem(h4(strong("Prédiction")), tabName = "Prédiction"),
 menuItem(h4(strong("Interprétation")), tabName = "Interprétation")),

        tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",h2("Analyse du comportement électoral  des citoyens tunisiens", align="center",style = "color:navy") ),

        tabItem(tabName = "Prédiction", h2("Prédiction du vote",    align="center",style = "color:blue")),
        tabItem(tabName = "Interprétation", h2("Interprétation"))

like image 516
Asma Avatar asked Feb 07 '23 09:02


1 Answers

I know that your problem has been solved and that you probably won't change your code ~1years later, but for others like me encountering this problem I have a simpler solution.

You have to wrap all "menuItem" in the sideBarMenu() fonction. This will solve the problem and make the items in the menu bigger.


shinyUI(dashboardPage(skin = "black",
dashboardHeader(title = h4("Tableau de bord des élections",style =      
titleWidth = 300
dashboardSidebar(id="", sidebarMenu(
menuItem(h4(strong("Dashboard", align = "center")), tabName = "dashboard"),
menuItem(h4(strong("Prédiction")), tabName = "Prédiction"),
menuItem(h4(strong("Interprétation")), tabName = "Interprétation"))),

    tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",h2("Analyse du comportement électoral  des citoyens tunisiens", align="center",style = "color:navy") ),

    tabItem(tabName = "Prédiction", h2("Prédiction du vote",    align="center",style = "color:blue")),
    tabItem(tabName = "Interprétation", h2("Interprétation"))

like image 51
Polar Bear Avatar answered Feb 10 '23 05:02

Polar Bear