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SwiftUI Navigationlink or Presentation Link not working



When using NavigationLink or presentation link in swiftUI, the navigation controller doesn't push or present a new View, getting error

"[WindowServer] display_timer_callback: unexpected state"

ForEach(self.items.identified(by: \.name)) {  item in

    NavigationLink(destination: Text("DT In the House")) {
        CategoryItem(item: item)


[] nw_connection_receive_internal_block_invoke [C4] Receive reply failed with error "Operation canceled"

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Danny Meng Avatar asked Jul 03 '19 20:07

Danny Meng

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3 Answers

I believe this is bug in PresentationLink in current SwiftUI beta. I get the same error while trying to reopen modal after dismissing it.

EDIT1: NavigationLink requires to be embedded in NavigationView and if there is none will present message [WindowServer] display_timer_callback: unexpected state (now:1abc3d3ccc7 < expected:1abc3d91a0f)

EDIT2: PresentationLink only appears to be buggy while embedded in things like NavigationBarItems or Lists etc.

like image 152
kozlowsqi Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10


It seems to be a bug. I've managed to whip up a (dirty) workaround:

private enum SetPresentedViewKey: EnvironmentKey {
    static var defaultValue: (AnyView?) -> () {

private extension EnvironmentValues {
    var setPresentedView: (AnyView?) -> () {
        get {
        } set {
            self[SetPresentedViewKey.self] = newValue

/// A replacement for the buggy (as of Xcode 11 b3) `PresentationLink`.
public struct PresentationLink2<Destination: View, Label: View>: View {
    public let destination: Destination
    public let label: Label

    @Environment(\.setPresentedView) private var setPresentedView
    @State private var presentedView: AnyView? = nil

    public init(destination: Destination, @ViewBuilder _ label: () -> Label) {
        self.destination = destination
        self.label = label()

    private struct _Body<Destination: View, Label: View>: View {
        @Environment(\.setPresentedView) private var setPresentedView

        let destination: Destination
        let label: Label

        init(destination: Destination, label: Label) {
            self.destination = destination
            self.label = label

        var body: some View {
            Button(action: present, label: { label })

        func present() {

    public var body: some View {
        _Body(destination: destination, label: label)
            .environment(\.setPresentedView, { self.presentedView = $0 })
            .presentation(presentedView.map {
                Modal($0, onDismiss: { self.presentedView = nil })

Just copy the code above into your codebase and use PresentationLink2 instead of PresentationLink.

As noted by @kozlowsqi, PresentationLink seems to be broken when embedded in a NavigationView. What's alarming is that it's still broken as of Xcode beta 3.

Edit: I've filed a radar through the new Feedback Assistant app, FB6525020. Please raise your own and reference mine, and hopefully this will be resolved by beta 4.

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Vatsal Manot Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10

Vatsal Manot

I've created a PresentationLink replacement that works far more reliable. Hopefully it won't be needed anymore as soon as beta 4 is released.

You can find a gist here: https://gist.github.com/petercv/3fba967a69b262901053fc8638b7851b

I've also added support for a .isModalInPresentation(_ value: Bool) modifier to set the isModalInPresentation property of UIViewController. Hopefully Apple will add this too soon.

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Peter Verhage Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10

Peter Verhage