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SwiftUI getting data out of coordinator into content view

I'm building a QR code reader into my app, so far I have it open as a sheet and close when a qr/barcode is detected. The reader part of the app uses UIKit, I have the file QRCodeScan.swift which is the UIViewControllerRepresentable, the qr scanner returns the value of the code that it has found into the coordinator in this file. I can't seem to find any way to get the found code out of the coordinator into the original view.

This is the file QRCodeScan.

struct QRCodeScan: UIViewControllerRepresentable {

    func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {

    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> ScannerViewController {
        let vc = ScannerViewController()
        vc.delegate = context.coordinator
        return vc

    func updateUIViewController(_ vc: ScannerViewController, context: Context) {

    class Coordinator: NSObject, QRCodeScannerDelegate {
        @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>

        func codeDidFind(_ foundCode: String) {
            /*this is where the code comes to, need to return it from here */

        var parent: QRCodeScan

        init(_ parent: QRCodeScan) {
            self.parent = parent


This is a cropped down version of the ContentView that calls the qr reader , this is where I need to get the found code back into

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var presentQRScanner = false

    var body: some View {
                Section(header: Text("Info")){
                    Button("Scan Barcode"){
                        self.presentQRScanner = true
                        .sheet(isPresented: $presentQRScanner){QRCodeScan()}


            .navigationBarTitle(Text("New"), displayMode: .large)
            .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Save"){
                print("Button Pressed")

I've hit a total roadblock here, I can't find any resources that allow me to pass the data back from the coordinator, maybe I'm implementing something wrong but I can't seem to adapt any other solutions to fit

Any help is much appreciated.


like image 481
robbo5899 Avatar asked Oct 17 '19 17:10


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1 Answers

You may have already solved this, but the solution is to use an @State variable in your ContentView linked to an @Binding variable in your QRCodeScan Struct and the Coordinator Class.

Check out this answer: Accessing MKMapView elements as UIViewRepresentable in the main (ContentView) SwiftUI view

Something like this should do the trick, but I suggest reading over the more detailed answer I linked:

 struct QRCodeScan: UIViewControllerRepresentable {

    @Binding var code: String

func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
    return Coordinator(code: $code)

func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> ScannerViewController {
    let vc = ScannerViewController()
    vc.delegate = context.coordinator
    return vc

func updateUIViewController(_ vc: ScannerViewController, context: Context) {

class Coordinator: NSObject, QRCodeScannerDelegate {
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>

   @Binding var code: String

   init(code: Binding<String>) {
   _code = code

    func codeDidFind(_ foundCode: String) {
        /*this is where the code comes to, need to return it from here */
        self.code = foundCode

    var parent: QRCodeScan

    init(_ parent: QRCodeScan) {
        self.parent = parent

In your ContentView, create @State var code, then you can call QRCodeScan(code: $code).

like image 73
lmh Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
