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SwiftUI add inverted mask


I'm trying to add a mask to two shapes such that the second shape masks out the first shape. If I do something like Circle().mask(Circle().offset(…)), this has the opposite affect: preventing anything outside the first circle from being visible.

For UIView the answer is here: iOS invert mask in drawRect

However, trying to implement this in SwiftUI without UIView eludes me. I tried implementing an InvertedShape with I could then use as a mask:

struct InvertedShape<OriginalType: Shape>: Shape {
    let originalShape: OriginalType

    func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
        let mutableOriginal = originalShape.path(in: rect).cgPath.mutableCopy()!
        return Path(mutableOriginal)

Unfortunately, SwiftUI paths do not have addPath(Path) (because they are immutable) or evenOddFillRule(). You can access the path's CGPath and make a mutable copy and then add the two paths, however, evenOddFillRule needs to be set on the CGLayer, not the CGPath. So unless I can get to the CGLayer, I'm unsure how to proceed.

This is Swift 5.

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Garrett Motzner Avatar asked Jan 09 '20 01:01

Garrett Motzner

2 Answers

Here is a demo of possible approach of creating inverted mask, by SwiftUI only, (on example to make a hole in view)

SwiftUI hole mask, reverse mask

func HoleShapeMask(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
    var shape = Rectangle().path(in: rect)
    shape.addPath(Circle().path(in: rect))
    return shape

struct TestInvertedMask: View {

    let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 100)
    var body: some View {
            .frame(width: rect.width, height: rect.height)
            .mask(HoleShapeMask(in: rect).fill(style: FillStyle(eoFill: true)))
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Asperi Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10


Here's another way to do it, which is more Swiftly.

The trick is to use:



Just create your mask with Black and White shapes, black will be transparent, white opaque, anything in between is going to be semi-transparent.

.compositingView(), similar to .drawingGroup(), rasterises the view (converts it to a bitmap texture). By the way, this also happens when you .blur or do any other pixel-level operations.

.luminanceToAlpha() takes the RGB luminance levels (I guess by averaging the RGB values), and maps them to the Alpha (opacity) channel of the bitmap.

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Vlad Lego Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10

Vlad Lego