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Swift returns error 'Binary operator == cannot be applied to two EKSourceType operands'





I have code like this in Xcode 6.3:

let store = EKEventStore()

for source in store.sources() {
    let st: EKSourceType = source.sourceType!
    if st == EKSourceTypeLocal {
        localSource = source;

The fifth line (if st..) gives the complier error: 'Binary operator == cannot be applied to two EKSourceType operands'

How can I check if the source is local or not (in Swift) and get this to compile?

like image 664
Adam Knights Avatar asked Apr 22 '15 14:04

Adam Knights

1 Answers

Like this:

if st.value == EKSourceTypeLocal.value
like image 185
matt Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10
