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Swift optional initialisation

It's my understanding that

var perhapsInt : Int?

This is automatically set to a .None value. And the below code snippet confirms that (no compiler errors)

class MyClass {
    var num1: Int = 0
    var num2: Int?

    init(num1: Int) {
        self.num1 = num1

var newClass = MyClass(num1: 5)
newClass.num1 // prints '5'
newClass.num2 // prints 'nil'

Is my understanding of the optional initialisation process correct? if so why does this not work when I change num2 to let.

I was expecting the same behaviour of optionals defaulting to nil when using let. Am I missing something here?

class MyClass {
    var num1: Int = 0
    let num2: Int?

    init(num1: Int) {
        self.num1 = num1
        // compiler error : return from initialiser without initialising all stored properties 

My question is, how can both of these cases be true. Shouldn't it be one or the other. Either optional values are automatically set to .None or it's not.

like image 569
hdsenevi Avatar asked Nov 15 '15 11:11


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1 Answers

The behavior of var num2: Int? is caused by Optionals being sugar-powered. They're the only type in Swift which has an implicit default value (of .None).

Notice that if you type var num2: Int (without ?) – the compiler will throw the same error, regardless of using var vs. let.

class MyClass {
    var num2: Int
    init() {
        // Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties

Because lets' values cannot be overwritten (as opposed to vars'), they require you to explicitly set their initial value:

class MyClass {
    let num2: Int? = nil

// or this way

class MyClass {
    let num2: Int?
    init() {
        num2 = nil

This will, however, result in an useless nil constant.

You can read more about initialization of stored properties here and here.

like image 156
akashivskyy Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09
