I am working on a login application. After successful login response comes back with cookie data.
How can I use/save this data for my future requests?
For starters I am trying to save it in NSHTTPCookieStorage
. But that is also not working.
Login Method(partial):
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, responseData, error) -> Void in if let response = responseData as? NSHTTPURLResponse { statusCode = response.statusCode print("Response code: \(statusCode)") } var json: NSDictionary? do { json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: .MutableLeaves) as? NSDictionary } catch { print(error) err = error } if(statusCode != 200) { let jsonStr = NSString(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) print("Error could not parse JSON: '\(jsonStr)'") } else { print("Everything Looks good: \(responseData)") self.setCookies(responseData!) self.shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier("showHomeController", sender: self) } } task?.resume()
Save Cookie Method
private func setCookies(response: NSURLResponse) { if let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse { let cookies = NSHTTPCookie.cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields(httpResponse.allHeaderFields, forURL: response.URL!) as! [NSHTTPCookie] NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage().setCookies(cookies, forURL: response.URL!, mainDocumentURL: nil) for cookie in cookies { var cookieProperties = [String: AnyObject]() cookieProperties[NSHTTPCookieName] = cookie.name cookieProperties[NSHTTPCookieValue] = cookie.value() cookieProperties[NSHTTPCookieDomain] = cookie.domain cookieProperties[NSHTTPCookiePath] = cookie.path cookieProperties[NSHTTPCookieVersion] = NSNumber(integer: cookie.version) cookieProperties[NSHTTPCookieExpires] = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(31536000) let newCookie = NSHTTPCookie(properties: cookieProperties) NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage().setCookie(newCookie!) println("name: \(cookie.name) value: \(cookie.value())") } } }
Cannot invoke 'cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields' with an argument list of type '([NSObject : AnyObject], forURL: NSURL)'
To send cookies to the server, you need to add the "Cookie: name=value" header to your request. To send multiple Cookies in one cookie header, you can separate them with semicolons. In this Send Cookies example, we are sending HTTP cookies to the ReqBin echo URL.
When a user's browser sends HTTP requests to a web server, the browser adds cookies to every request to the same domain. The cookie file is stored in the user's browser application data folder.
Also I would say it is perfectly acceptable to change or set a cookie in response for the GET request because you just return some data.
Use the getCookies() method of the HttpServletRequest to retrieve an array of all cookies in the request. 2. Loop down the array entries calling getName() on each Cookieobject until you find the cookie you want to retrieve.
If you realize the usage of cookie, the server has to send the header Set-Cookie
in response to the client request. Just inspect the header in response and you will see Set-Cookie
header field with cookie in it.
If you use URLSession with default or background URLSessionConfiguration
, you dont have to make any change to save cookie. If you look at documentation for default URLSessionConfiguration
, which describes it like this,
The default session configuration uses a persistent disk-based cache (except when the result is downloaded to a file) and stores credentials in the user’s keychain. It also stores cookies (by default) in the same shared cookie store as the NSURLConnection and NSURLDownload classes.
Also, you can read further about this in URLSessionConfiguration
documentation for property httpCookieStorage
Here is a small snippet of code that I will use further to test the cookie storage.
let sessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral sessionConfiguration.httpCookieAcceptPolicy = .never let customSession = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfiguration) enum Result { case success(HTTPURLResponse, Data) case failure(Error) } func readCookie(forURL url: URL) -> [HTTPCookie] { let cookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.shared let cookies = cookieStorage.cookies(for: url) ?? [] return cookies } func deleteCookies(forURL url: URL) { let cookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.shared for cookie in readCookie(forURL: url) { cookieStorage.deleteCookie(cookie) } } func storeCookies(_ cookies: [HTTPCookie], forURL url: URL) { let cookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage.shared cookieStorage.setCookies(cookies, for: url, mainDocumentURL: nil) } func executeURLRequest(url: URL, inSession session: URLSession = .shared, completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void) { let task = session.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in if let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, let data = data { completion(.success(response, data)) return } if let error = error { completion(.failure(error)) return } let error = NSError(domain: "com.cookiesetting.test", code: 101, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Unknown error occurred"]) completion(.failure(error)) } task.resume() }
With the snippet above, we firstly test that default session saves the cookie.
var cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies before request: ", cookies) executeURLRequest(url: googleURL) { result in if case .success (let data) = result { cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies after request: ", cookies) deleteCookies(forURL: googleURL) cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies after deletion: ", cookies) } }
And, here is what we get,
Cookies before request: [] Cookies after request: [<NSHTTPCookie version:0 name:1P_JAR value:2018-09-26-15 expiresDate:'2018-10-26 15:39:46 +0000' created:'2018-09-26 15:39:46 +0000' sessionOnly:FALSE domain:.google.com partition:none sameSite:none path:/ isSecure:FALSE path:"/" isSecure:FALSE>, <NSHTTPCookie version:0 name:NID value:139=E3g4bKNRGcYoeFuaECpfsx_Efp64xONmVwcJS7f7PuZe8LayS5ZkGuz3f7z6eq7zoBm2z-opTvzX8YPzn8v1ebjH6iyt5-6yDYm9RE6XhXwHCZWs98_j7nb11u2EPnHI expiresDate:'2019-03-28 15:39:46 +0000' created:'2018-09-26 15:39:46 +0000' sessionOnly:FALSE domain:.google.com partition:none sameSite:none path:/ isSecure:FALSE isHTTPOnly: YES path:"/" isSecure:FALSE isHTTPOnly: YES>] Cookies after deletion: []
also has a property httpCookieAcceptPolicy
, which quotes the following:
This property determines the cookie accept policy for all tasks within sessions based on this configuration.
The default value is HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy.onlyFromMainDocumentDomain. You can change it to any of the constants defined in the HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy enumerated type.
If you want more direct control over what cookies are accepted, set this value to HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy.never and then use the allHeaderFields and cookies(withResponseHeaderFields:for:) methods to extract cookies from the URL response object yourself.
So, if you wish to manipulate the cookie by yourself, you could set the httpCookieAcceptPolicy
to never
Following code shows, cookie not stored when using httpCookieAcceptPolicy to never,
var cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies before request: ", cookies) executeURLRequest(url: googleURL, inSession: customSession) { result in if case .success (let data) = result { cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies after request: ", cookies) } }
Which logs the following;
Cookies before request: [] Cookies after request: []
You can see that using .never for httpCookieStoragePolicy, system wont store cookie to shared cookie storage.
You can also store the cookie yourself, which would look like this,
Storing the cookie by ourselves
deleteCookies(forURL: googleURL) var cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies before request: ", cookies) executeURLRequest(url: googleURL, inSession: customSession) { result in if case let .success (response, data) = result { guard let cookiesResponseHeader = response.allHeaderFields["Set-Cookie"] else { return } cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies after request: ", cookies) let responseCookies = HTTPCookie.cookies(withResponseHeaderFields: response.allHeaderFields as! [String: String], for: googleURL) storeCookies(responseCookies, forURL: googleURL) cookies = readCookie(forURL: googleURL) print("Cookies after storing: ", cookies) } }
And, here is what the code above prints to console,
Cookies before request: [] Cookies after request: [] Cookies after storing: [<NSHTTPCookie version:0 name:1P_JAR value:2018-09-26-18 expiresDate:'2018-10-26 18:35:23 +0000' created:'2018-09-26 18:35:23 +0000' sessionOnly:FALSE domain:.google.com partition:none sameSite:none path:/ isSecure:FALSE path:"/" isSecure:FALSE>, <NSHTTPCookie version:0 name:NID value:139=D7GTUazWfeaB5Bcu1wN5I_Il2k6xALNiRZDX_DN9totQbnrP31gE0GzlsjCHDISUv8ulPq9G8Yu1p-GsZcVRw2fnrBROih-vtAVBic5UXFKUkG_ZbFQYKFprr4MPHDGS expiresDate:'2019-03-28 18:35:23 +0000' created:'2018-09-26 18:35:23 +0000' sessionOnly:FALSE domain:.google.com partition:none sameSite:none path:/ isSecure:FALSE isHTTPOnly: YES path:"/" isSecure:FALSE isHTTPOnly: YES>]
The code above uses .never
HTTPCookieAcceptPolicy to URLSessionConfiguration but we create cookie from response and store it to the cookie store by ourselves.
class func cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields(_ headerFields: [String : String], forURL URL: NSURL) -> [NSHTTPCookie]
Note that headerFields is [String: String] Dictionary and the compiler is complaining that you're passing [NSObject : AnyObject]
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