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Swift: how add offset to memcpy(...)

How to add offset for array for memcpy(...) invocation?

I have array of String :

var source = ["a","b","c","d"]
var dest = [String](count:n, repeatedValue: "")
memcpy(&dest, source, UInt(2 * sizeof(String))

This copy ["a","b"] to dest. I'ts obvious. How can i copy ["b", "c"] ?

like image 615
Vitaliy L Avatar asked Aug 01 '14 11:08

Vitaliy L

2 Answers

Do not use memcpy or other low-level "C" operators on objects. That will not work for many reasons.

Use the slice operator:

var source = ["a","b","c","d"]
var dest = Array(source[1...2])
println("dest: \(dest)")


dest: [b, c]

Unicode is handled correctly:

var source = ["🇪🇸", "😂", "a","b","c","d"]
var dest = Array(source[1...2])
println("dest: \(dest)")


dest: [😂, a]

like image 160
zaph Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09


I'm still new to Swift, and use of methods with "Unsafe" in the name still worries me, but I'm fairly sure this is a usable technique for calling memcpy() and specifying an offset for the destination and/or source address. But this only works for byte arrays, i.e., [UInt8]. Definitely not for strings, as explained by @zaph.

public class SystemMisc {

   /// Wrapper for the memcpy() method that allows specification of an offset for the destination
   /// and/or the source addresses.
   /// This version for when destination is a normal Swift byte array.
   /// - Parameters:
   ///   - destPointer:    Address for destination byte array, typically Swift [UInt8].
   ///   - destOffset:     Offset to be added to the destination address, may be zero.
   ///   - sourcePointer:  Address for source byte array, typically Swift [UInt8].
   ///   - sourceOffset:   Offset to be added to the source address, may be zero.
   ///   - byteLength:     Number of bytes to be copied.
   public static func memoryCopy(_ destPointer : UnsafeRawPointer, _ destOffset : Int,
                                 _ sourcePointer : UnsafeRawPointer, _ sourceOffset : Int,
                                 _ byteLength : Int) {

      memoryCopy(UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: destPointer), destOffset,
                 sourcePointer, sourceOffset, byteLength)

   /// Wrapper for the memcpy() method that allows specification of an offset for the destination 
   /// and/or the source addresses.
   /// This version for when destination address is already available as an UnsafeMutableRawPointer, 
   /// for example if caller has used UnsafeMutableRawPointer() to create it or is working with 
   /// unmanaged memory. The destPointer argument may also be a converted pointer, as done by the 
   /// above wrapper method.
   /// - Parameters:
   ///   - destPointer:    Address for destination byte array, see above notes.
   ///   - destOffset:     Offset to be added to the destination address, may be zero.
   ///   - sourcePointer:  Address for source byte array, typically Swift [UInt8].
   ///   - sourceOffset:   Offset to be added to the source address, may be zero.
   ///   - byteLength:     Number of bytes to be copied.
   public static func memoryCopy(_ destPointer : UnsafeMutableRawPointer, _ destOffset : Int,
                                 _ sourcePointer : UnsafeRawPointer, _ sourceOffset : Int,
                                 _ byteLength : Int) {

      memcpy(destPointer.advanced(by: destOffset),
             sourcePointer.advanced(by: sourceOffset),

And here's some test code:

  // Test the memoryCopy() method, using extra UnsafeMutableRawPointer conversion

  let destArray1 : [UInt8] = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]  // Note - doesn't need to be var
  let sourceArray1 : [UInt8] = [ 42, 43, 44, 45 ]

  SystemMisc.memoryCopy(destArray1, 1, sourceArray1, 1, 2)

  assert(destArray1[0] == 0 && destArray1[1] == 43 && destArray1[2] == 44 && destArray1[3] == 3)

  // Test the memoryCopy() method, providing UnsafeMutableRawPointer for destination

  var destArray2 : [UInt8] = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
  let sourceArray2 : [UInt8] = [ 42, 43, 44, 45 ]

  let destArray2Pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(&destArray2)

  SystemMisc.memoryCopy(destArray2Pointer, 1, sourceArray2, 1, 2)

  assert(destArray2[0] == 0 && destArray2[1] == 43 && destArray2[2] == 44 && destArray2[3] == 3)
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RenniePet Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 18:09
