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Swift generic method should use overloaded generic function

I'm having trouble getting the desired effect with Swift generics. I defined some generic functions, but for specific cases I would like to override them to provide additional features. When I call the functions from a non generic method/function everything works fine (it uses the specific versions when the argument types match and the generic version otherwise), but when I call the functions from a generic method/function it always uses the generic version of the function (never the specific versions).

Here's an example playground:

func printSomething <T> (something: T) {
    println("This is using the generic version.")

func printSomething(string: String) {
    println("This is using the specific version.")

func printSomeMoreThings <T> (something: T) {

class TestClass <T> {

    var something: T

    init(something: T) {
        self.something = something

    func printIt() {


let test = TestClass(something: "c")

This gives the following output:

This is using the specific version.

This is using the generic version.

This is using the generic version.

I would like it to use the specific version all the time (since it's calling printSomething with a String argument all the time). Is there a way to do this without overloading every method/function with a specific String version. Especially for the Class case, because I can't overload the class methods for specific types of T?

like image 397
Rugen Heidbuchel Avatar asked Apr 18 '15 12:04

Rugen Heidbuchel

1 Answers

This currently cannot be achieved for reasons that you have mentioned yourself (you can't overload instance/class methods for specific types of <T>).

However, instead of using function overloading, you can check the type during runtime and act accordingly:

func printSomething<T>(something: T)
    if let somestring = something as? String
        println("This is using the specific version.")


    println("This is using the generic version.")

The impact on performance should be negligible unless you call this function thousands of times.

like image 182
Vatsal Manot Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10

Vatsal Manot