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Swift combine retry only for some error types





I have a custom pipeline where I want to have 3 retry attempt for some error codes which are recoverable plus I want to add some short delay for the recoverable error. Anyone has an idea how I can do it?

func createRequest(for message: Message) -> AnyPublisher<ResponseMessage, Error> {
    Future<ResponseMessage, Error> { promise in
    .tryCatch({ error -> AnyPublisher<ResponseMessage, Error> in
        // If error is a recoverable error retry, otherwise fail directly
        if case let MessageBusError.messageError(responseError) = error {
            if responseError.isRecoverable {
                // Make a next attempt only for recoverable error
                throw error
            //Should fail directly if the error code is not recoverable
        return Fail<ResponseMessage, Error>(error: error)

like image 320
BilalReffas Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 09:12


2 Answers

Basically, you need a retryIf operator, so you can provide a closure to tell Combine which errors should be retried, and which not. I'm not aware of such an operator, but it's not hard to build one for yourself.

The idiomatic way is to extend the Publishers namespace with a new type for your operator, and then extend Publisher to add support for that operator so that yo can chain it along with other operators.

The implementation could look like this:

extension Publishers {
    struct RetryIf<P: Publisher>: Publisher {
        typealias Output = P.Output
        typealias Failure = P.Failure
        let publisher: P
        let times: Int
        let condition: (P.Failure) -> Bool
        func receive<S>(subscriber: S) where S : Subscriber, Failure == S.Failure, Output == S.Input {
            guard times > 0 else { return publisher.receive(subscriber: subscriber) }
            publisher.catch { (error: P.Failure) -> AnyPublisher<Output, Failure> in
                if condition(error)  {
                    return RetryIf(publisher: publisher, times: times - 1, condition: condition).eraseToAnyPublisher()
                } else {
                    return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher()
            }.receive(subscriber: subscriber)

extension Publisher {
    func retry(times: Int, if condition: @escaping (Failure) -> Bool) -> Publishers.RetryIf<Self> {
        Publishers.RetryIf(publisher: self, times: times, condition: condition)


func createRequest(for message: Message) -> AnyPublisher<ResponseMessage, Error> {
    Deferred {
        Future<ResponseMessage, Error> { promise in
            // future code
    .retry(times: 3) { error in
        if case let MessageBusError.messageError(responseError) = error, responseError.isRecoverable {
            return true
        return false

Note that I wrapped your Future within a Deferred one, otherwise the retry operator would be meaningless, as the closure will not be executed multiple times. More details about that behaviour here: Swift. Combine. Is there any way to call a publisher block more than once when retry?.

Alternatively, you can write the Publisher extension like this:

extension Publisher {
    func retry(_ times: Int, if condition: @escaping (Failure) -> Bool) -> Publishers.RetryIf<Self> {
        Publishers.RetryIf(publisher: self, times: times, condition: condition)
    func retry(_ times: Int, unless condition: @escaping (Failure) -> Bool) -> Publishers.RetryIf<Self> {
        retry(times, if: { !condition($0) })

, which enables some funky stuff, like this:

extension Error {
    var isRecoverable: Bool { ... }
    var isUnrecoverable: Bool { ... }

// retry at most 3 times while receiving recoverable errors
// bail out the first time when encountering an error that is
// not recoverable
    .retry(3, if: \.isRecoverable)

// retry at most 3 times, bail out the first time when
// an unrecoverable the error is encountered
    .retry(3, unless: \.isUnrecoverable)

Or even funkier, ruby-style:

extension Int {
    var times: Int { self }

    .retry(3.times, unless: \.isUnrecoverable)
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Cristik Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 23:12


Typically, I try to avoid building new publishers, and instead prefer to compose publishers from built-in operators. I found it to be rather tricky to do here. Maybe someone can suggest a better approach.

Retry resubscribes on any failure, so to trick it, I packaged any non-recoverable errors into a Result value containing the error, but leaving recoverable errors as failures to .retry; then eventually unpack the Result back into the corresponding value/error.

Here's how it would work in your case:

func createRequest(for message: Message)-> AnyPublisher<ResponseMessage, Error> {
    Future<ResponseMessage, Error> { promise in

    // pack a value into Result
    .map { v -> Result<ResponseMessage, Error> in .success(v) }
    .tryCatch { error -> AnyPublisher<Result<ResponseMessage, Error>, Error> in
        if case let MessageBusError.messageError(responseError) = error {
            if responseError.isRecoverable {
                // Keep recoverable errors as failures
                throw error
        // pack a non-recoverable error into Result with a failure   
        return Just(.failure(error)).setFailureType(Error.self)


    // unpack back
    .flatMap { result in result.publisher }


For completeness, to extend Publisher with the above approach:

extension Publisher {
   private func retryOnly<U: Publisher>(
         upstream: U, 
         retries: Int, 
         when predicate: @escaping (U.Failure) -> Bool
      ) -> AnyPublisher<U.Output, U.Failure> {

         .map { v -> Result<U.Output, U.Failure> in .success(v) }
         .catch { err -> AnyPublisher<Result<U.Output, U.Failure>, U.Failure> in
            if predicate(err) {
               return Fail(error: err).eraseToAnyPublisher()
            } else {
               return Just(.failure(err))
                  .setFailureType(to: U.Failure.self)
         .flatMap { result in result.publisher }
   func retry(_ retries: Int, when predicate: @escaping (Failure) -> Bool) 
        -> AnyPublisher<Output, Failure> {

      return retryOnly(upstream: self, retries: retries, when: predicate)
failingPublisher.retry(3, when: { $0 is RecoverableError })
like image 38
New Dev Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 21:12

New Dev