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Swift 4 using selector with Multiple Parameters [duplicate]

I write with Swift 4 and try to write a function that send categoryId as action but I couldn't write .I think my syntax is wrong.If I write function without parameters its not a problem but I get error with parameters functions. Could you say me how to use selector?

@objc func sendCategoryIdToPackageSelectionVC(categoryId : Int){
        MarketVC.categoryId = categoryId
        self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "sequeGoToPackageSelection", sender: nil)

func addTapFeatures(){
        taplabel1 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.sendCategoryIdToPackageSelectionVC(categoryId:2)))
        taplabel1?.cancelsTouchesInView = false

I get an error saying that the action selector doesn't refer to any objc method.

like image 661
Akif Demirezen Avatar asked Nov 18 '17 09:11

Akif Demirezen

1 Answers

i think, you can't directly use selector to pass parameter. try some thing like this you should create an @objc method that calls handleTap(modelObj:myModelObj).

@objc func someMethod() { // name this properly!
    handleTap(modelObj: myModelObj)

Then you can pass this as a selector:

like image 113
Syed Sadrul Ullah Sahad Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

Syed Sadrul Ullah Sahad