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SweetAlert prompt with two input fields

Currently working on a personal project. I want the user to click a button and a SweetAlert prompt would be presented for the user to verify their credential. However, the code I see on the SweetAlert website only allows one input field. Here is the code I have:

  title: "Authenicating for continuation",
  text: "Test",
  type: "input",
  showCancelButton: true,
  closeOnConfirm: false,
  animation: "slide-from-top",
  inputPlaceholder: "Write something"
}, function(inputValue) {
  if (inputValue === false) return false;
  if (inputValue === "") {
    swal.showInputError("You need to write something!");
    return false
  // swal("Nice!", "You wrote: " + inputValue, "success");

So, is there a way I can get two input fields? One input field for the password and the other input field for text.

like image 715
ballerz Avatar asked Jul 16 '15 20:07


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2 Answers

Now SweetAlert2 is available: https://sweetalert2.github.io

As per their info on bottom:

Multiple inputs aren't supported, you can achieve them by using html and preConfirm parameters. Inside the preConfirm() function you can pass the custom result to the resolve() function as a parameter:

  title: 'Multiple inputs',
    '<input id="swal-input1" class="swal2-input">' +
    '<input id="swal-input2" class="swal2-input">',
  preConfirm: function () {
    return new Promise(function (resolve) {
  onOpen: function () {
}).then(function (result) {
like image 94
Tikky Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10


You can have inputs in the default SweetAlert type, as long as you set the html property to true. The issue is that unless the type is set to "input", SweetAlert adds a display: none to input fields.

It's a bit of a workaround, but you can change this in the js file from

<input type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"3\" />\n


<input id=\"swalInput\" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"3\" />\n

And change the css file from

.sweet-alert input {


.sweet-alert #swalInput {

Then you can simply add your html to the text parameter when calling, like so:

    title: "Log In to Continue",
    html: true,
    text: "Username: <input type='text'><br>Password: <input type='password'>"

This method simply specifies that the only input to be styled that way is the one generated by SweetAlert, so that any inputs you add to your text won't be affected by that styling.

like image 35
DaftDeath Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10
