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SweetAlert confirm with Ajax request

I'm new at Javascript - coding it actually for the first time. I'm trying to do a button with delete confirmation with SweetAlert. Nothing happens when I press the button with onclick="confirmDelete()". This code may be just crab, but here it is:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function confirmDelete() {
            title: "Are you sure?",
            text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
            type: "warning",
            showCancelButton: true,
            confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",
            confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!",
            closeOnConfirm: false
                url: "scriptDelete.php",
                type: "POST",
                data: {id: 5},
                dataType: "html",
                success: function () {
                    swal("Done!","It was succesfully deleted!","success");

<a href="#" onclick="confirmDelete()">Delete</a>

Can I add any alert if deleting fails?

like image 862
lingo Avatar asked Jul 18 '15 17:07


1 Answers

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking how to handle error condition in ajax request. Ajax settings has an error attribute and it can be used like this

  .... other settings you already have
  error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
    swal("Error deleting!", "Please try again", "error");

Also, you are invoking swal in a wrong way. Swal has a callback like this

swal({settings}, function(isConfirm){});

Overall code would look something like this

function confirmDelete() {
        title: "Are you sure?",
        text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
        type: "warning",
        showCancelButton: true,
        confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",
        confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!",
        closeOnConfirm: false
    }, function (isConfirm) {
        if (!isConfirm) return;
            url: "scriptDelete.php",
            type: "POST",
            data: {
                id: 5
            dataType: "html",
            success: function () {
                swal("Done!", "It was succesfully deleted!", "success");
            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                swal("Error deleting!", "Please try again", "error");

Here is a demo http://jsfiddle.net/dhirajbodicherla/xe096w10/33/

like image 102
Dhiraj Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
