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Swapping two DB rows without violating constraints

I have a table regionkey:

areaid  -- primary key, int
region  -- char(4)
locale  -- char(4)

The entire rest of the database is foreign-keyed to areaid. In this table there is an index on (region, locale) with a unique constraint.

The problem is that I have two records:

101   MICH   DETR
102   ILLI   CHIC

And I need to swap the (region,locale) fields between them, so that I wind up with:

101   ILLI   CHIC
102   MICH   DETR

The naive approach won't work because it violates the unique index on region and locale:

update regionkey
     set region='ILLI', locale='CHIC' where areaid = 101; -- FAILS
update regionkey
     set region='MICH', locale='DETR' where areaid = 102;

How can I do this? Is there an atomic way to make the swap? Suggestions?

like image 469
Clinton Pierce Avatar asked Nov 19 '09 19:11

Clinton Pierce

1 Answers

You can't defer constraint checks in SQL Server over multiple statements (unless you DISABLE) so you have to avoid the conflict or do it in one statement

    region= CASE areaid WHEN 101 THEN 'ILLI' ELSE 'MICH' END, 
    locale= CASE areaid WHEN 101 THEN 'CHIC' ELSE 'DETR' END
    areaid IN (101, 102); 

or, more conventionally (in a transaction this one)

update regionkey 
     set region='AAAA', locale='BBBB' where areaid = 101;
update regionkey 
     set region='MICH', locale='DETR' where areaid = 102;
update regionkey 
     set region='ILLI', locale='CHIC' where areaid = 101;

Edit: Why not swap keys not values? It usually achieves the sane result unless areaid has some meaning

    areaid = 203 - areaid 
    areaid IN (101, 102); 
like image 191
gbn Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
