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Swagger UI for net core 3.1 api is very slow

I updated Our net core API application from 2.1 to 3.1, SwashBuckle.Asp.NetCore to 5.0.0. Here is my startup set:

public class Startup
    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;

    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
     string authServerUrl = "http://testserver.com/identityserver4";

        services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
            c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Version = "v1", Title = "NetCore API V1" });

            // Define the OAuth2.0 scheme that's in use (i.e. Implicit Flow)
            c.AddSecurityDefinition("oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme
                Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2,
                Flows = new OpenApiOAuthFlows
                    AuthorizationCode = new OpenApiOAuthFlow
                            AuthorizationUrl = new Uri(authServerUrl + "connect/authorize"),
                            TokenUrl = new Uri(authServerUrl + "connect/token"),
                            Scopes = new Dictionary<string, string>
                                { "netCoreAPI.read", "read permission" },
                                { "netCoreAPI.write", "write permission" }
                            }                        }

            c.AddSecurityRequirement(new OpenApiSecurityRequirement
                    new OpenApiSecurityScheme
                        Reference = new OpenApiReference { Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme, Id = "oauth2" }
                    new[] { "netCoreAPI.read", "netCoreAPI.write" }

    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        if (env.IsDevelopment())




            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

            app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
                c.SwaggerEndpoint("swagger/v1/swagger.json", "NetCore V1");
                c.OAuthScopeSeparator(" ");

The initial Swagger UI displays relatively quickly. However, when a method in a controller is clicked, it takes 30 seconds to display "Try it out" button. Is there a way to debug the problem? Or Is there anyone having the same problem? Before the code was converted from SwashBuckle 2.5 and net core 2.1 to SwashBuckle 5.0 and net core 3.1, the swagger UI works very fast.

like image 762
user3097695 Avatar asked Jan 21 '20 20:01


People also ask

What is Swagger UI in web API?

Swagger UI: Swagger UI allows API users to visualize and interact with the API resources without writing any custom logic. Swagger UI also helps in maintaining well up-to-date documentation of the APIs. For this post, I have used Visual Studio 2019 and ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API project templates.

What is the difference between nswag and Swagger?

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore is an open source project for generating Swagger documents for ASP.NET Core Web APIs. NSwag is another open source project for generating Swagger documents and integrating Swagger UI or ReDoc into ASP.NET Core web APIs.

What are the best open source Swagger projects?

NSwag is another open source project for generating Swagger documents and integrating Swagger UI or ReDoc into ASP.NET Core web APIs. Additionally, NSwag offers approaches to generate C# and TypeScript client code for your API.

Does Swagger slow down rendering?

There seems to be a huge slowdown from rendering in version 2.1.0 to 2.1.1. With a Swagger "spec" with 19 operations, from the moment "fetching resource list" message appears to the operations list appearing, it went from almost instant (1 second) in version 2.1.0 to about 23 seconds! in 2.1.1. Sorry, something went wrong.

2 Answers

I'm using "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI" Version="5.6.3" And with that version switching to "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Newtonsoft" was not really helping. There was no significant improvement.

Then I have fount this issue listed on Github. It is an old resolved issue but reopened in 2020. Where they explain Swagger UI 3.x has "Pretty print" and "Syntax highlight" which causing the render issues. It can be turned off in Swagger config:

        syntaxHighlight: {
          activated: false,
          theme: "agate"
        //url: path,

In .NET Core you can access config as well: Setup.cs in Configure()

    .UseSwaggerUI(c =>
        c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My Web API");
        c.ConfigObject.AdditionalItems.Add("syntaxHighlight", false); //Turns off syntax highlight which causing performance issues...
        c.ConfigObject.AdditionalItems.Add("theme", "agate"); //Reverts Swagger UI 2.x  theme which is simpler not much performance benefit...
like image 174
Major Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10


Are you using NewtonSoft? You need to add:

Install-Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Newtonsoft -Version 5.1.0

And add:

// explicit opt-in - needs to be placed after AddSwaggerGen()


like image 22
Steve Bates Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10

Steve Bates