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Swagger schema properties ignored when using $ref - why?


I'm trying to build a Swagger model for a time interval, using a simple string to store the time (I know that there is also datetime):

definitions:   Time:     type: string     description: Time in 24 hour format "hh:mm".   TimeInterval:     type: object     properties:       lowerBound:         $ref: "#/definitions/Time"         description: Lower bound on the time interval.         default: "00:00"       upperBound:         $ref: "#/definitions/Time"         description: Upper bound on the time interval.         default: "24:00"         

For some reason the generated HTML does not show the lowerBound and upperBound "description", but only the original Time "description". This makes me think I'm not doing this correctly.

So the question is if using a model as a type can in fact be done as I'm trying to do.

like image 958
mvc Avatar asked Nov 10 '15 12:11


People also ask

What is $ref in swagger?

This notation lets you specify the target file or a specific part of a file you want to reference. In the previous example, #/components/schemas/User means the resolving starts from the root of the current document, and then finds the values of components , schemas , and User one after another.

What is schema in swagger?

OpenAPI 3.0 data types are based on an extended subset JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00 (aka Draft 5). The data types are described using a Schema object. To learn how to model various data types, see the following topics: Data Types.

What is additional properties in swagger?

The additionalProperties keyword specifies the type of values in the dictionary. Values can be primitives (strings, numbers or boolean values), arrays or objects. For example, a string-to-object dictionary can be defined as follows: type: object.

1 Answers

TL;DR: $ref siblings are supported in OpenAPI 3.1. In previous OpenAPI versions, any keywords alongside $ref are ignored.

OpenAPI 3.1

Your definition will work as expected when migrated to OpenAPI 3.1. This new version is fully compatible with JSON Schema 2020-12, which allows $ref siblings in schemas.

openapi: 3.1.0 ...  components:   schemas:     Time:       type: string       description: Time in 24 hour format "hh:mm".      TimeInterval:       type: object       properties:         lowerBound:           # ------- This will work in OAS 3.1 ------- #           $ref: "#/components/schemas/Time"           description: Lower bound on the time interval.           default: "00:00"         upperBound:           # ------- This will work in OAS 3.1 ------- #           $ref: "#/components/schemas/Time"           description: Upper bound on the time interval.           default: "24:00"   

Outside of schemas - for example, in responses or parameters - $refs only allow sibling summary and description keywords. Any other keywords alongside these $refs will be ignored.

# openapi: 3.1.0  # This is supported parameters:   - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id'     description: Entity ID  # This is NOT supported parameters:   - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id'     required: true 

OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0.x

In these versions, $ref works by replacing itself and all of its sibling elements with the definition it is pointing at. That is why

      lowerBound:         $ref: "#/definitions/Time"         description: Lower bound on the time interval.         default: "00:00" 


      lowerBound:         type: string         description: Time in 24 hour format "hh:mm". 

A possible workaround is to wrap $ref into allOf - this can be used to "add" attributes to a $ref but not override existing attributes.

      lowerBound:         allOf:           - $ref: "#/definitions/Time"         description: Lower bound on the time interval.         default: "00:00" 

Another way is to use replace the $ref with an inline definition.

definitions:   TimeInterval:     type: object     properties:       lowerBound:         type: string  # <------         description: Lower bound on the time interval, using 24 hour format "hh:mm".         default: "00:00"       upperBound:         type: string  # <------         description: Upper bound on the time interval, using 24 hour format "hh:mm".         default: "24:00" 
like image 120
Helen Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
