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Swagger Editor shows the "Schema error: should NOT have additional properties" error for a path parameter

I'm using http://editor.swagger.io to design an API and I get an error which I don't know how to address:

Schema error at paths['/employees/{employeeId}/roles'].get.parameters[0] should NOT have additional properties additionalProperty: type, format, name, in, description Jump to line 24 

I have other endpoints defined in a similar way, and don't get this error. I wondered if I had some issue with indentation or unclosed quotes, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Google also did not seem to provide any useful results.

swagger: "2.0" info:   description: Initial draft of the API specification   version: '1.0'   title: App 4.0 API host: api.com basePath: /v1 tags:   - name: employees     description: Employee management schemes:   - https paths:   /employees/{employeeId}/roles:     get:       tags:         - employees       summary: "Get a specific employee's roles"       description: ''       operationId: findEmployeeRoles       produces:         - application/json       parameters:         - name: employeeId   <====== Line 24           in: path           description: Id of employee whose roles we are fetching           type: integer           format: int64       responses:         '200':           description: successful operation           schema:             type: array             items:               $ref: '#/definitions/Role'         '403':           description: No permission to see employee roles         '404':           description: EmployeeId not found 

Any Hints?

like image 274
Emanuel Ey Avatar asked Aug 07 '17 14:08

Emanuel Ey

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1 Answers

The error message is misleading. The actual error is that your path parameter is missing required: true. Path parameters are always required, so remember to add required: true to them.

like image 183
Helen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
