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Swagger codegen to Java Spring generates incorrect file response entity from OpenAPI component of binary format

I am using swagger-codegen-maven-plugin to generate Spring interface from OpenAPI file (OpenAPI 3.0.2)


The response of one rest API should be PDF file

            type: string
            format: binary

Generated Java REST interface then contains the following method

default ResponseEntity<File> getContract(@ApiParam(value = "File to download",required=true) @PathVariable("uid") String uid) {

File class represents the path to the filesystem, but I don't have the file on the filesystem, just bytes in java memory and I don't want to save them as the file to disk.

I want getContract to return some StreamResource or some other representation of file from Stream/bytes in memory. Is it possible this via swagger-codegen-maven-plugin or some other option?

like image 378
Matúš Bartko Avatar asked Feb 12 '20 16:02

Matúš Bartko

3 Answers

In the end, I switched from




This plugin got it right and generates Resource instead of ResponseEntity

like image 191
Matúš Bartko Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09

Matúš Bartko

Try something like this:

          description: A PDF file
                type: string
                format: binary
like image 22
starman1979 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09


maybe you could try something like this

      tags: [myendpint]
      summary: my cool endpoint
      operationId: getStuff
      x-custom-return-type: 'java.something.stream.Stream'

than use mustache and specify it in mustache file with vendor extensions


I use that for interface API and maybe somehow you could use it in your case too

like image 21
hocikto Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
