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SVN ignore that is local to working copy?



Is there any way that I can ignore a file in my local working copy without polluting the svn properties? I don't want my local ignore pattern (e.g. temp files) being published to repository and cause repo having lots of useless information.

Just like in git, I can have .git/info/exclude. Is there any similar way in SVN?

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Adrian Shum Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 08:07

Adrian Shum

People also ask

How do I set property to ignore in svn?

Use the following command to create a list not under version control files. Then edit the file to leave just the files you want actually to ignore. Then use this one to ignore the files listed in the file: svn propset svn:ignore -F ignoring.

How do I ignore a folder in svn?

Set the svn:ignore property of the parent directory: svn propset svn:ignore dirname . If you have multiple things to ignore, separate by newlines in the property value.

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svn Getting started with svn Checking out a working copy Your local copy of the project is called a working copy in Subversion and you get it by issuing the command svn checkout <URL> where <URL> is a repository URL. e.g. Alternatively, you can use svn co <URL> as a shorthand in order to checkout a local copy.

How do I ignore target folder in svn?

To ignore files in subversion you want to set the svn:ignore property. You can see more here http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.advanced.props.special.ignore.html about half way down. svn propset svn:ignore target .

2 Answers

You can put them into the changelist ignore-on-commit. See this question and its answer.

EDIT: This only works with tortoisesvn and possibly other clients, not with svn per se.

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Joey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09


Yes there is. Goto TortoiseSvn Setting -> General.

There is a global ignore edit box. Add the following as a good starting point to ignore items you do not want to go into the repository:

*.fbl6 *.fbpInf *.fb6lck *.*scc *.aps *.bak *.cache *.eto *.ilk *.ncb *.obj *.patch *.pch *.plg *.rdl.data *.sbr *.sqlsuo *.suo *.svclog *.tlh *.tli *.tmp *.user *.vshost.* *DXCore.Solution [Bb]in [Dd]ebug [Oo]bj [Rr]elease _[Rr]e[Ss]harper.* _UpgradeReport_Files Ankh.Load Backup* CVS PrecompiledWeb svnignore[.-] [Tt]humbs.db UpgradeLog*.* _vti_* lint.db 
like image 23
Simon Hughes Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Simon Hughes