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svn: generic failure



I know this problem is asked multiple times around the globe, but I believe mine is a little different from the others.

The scenario is as follow:

Day1: Installing an Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a cloud server with Subversion 1.6.6 on a remote server.

Day2: Importing the first project into svn through svn+ssh protocol. Everything works fine to the end of the day.

Day3: Trying to checkout the project on a different computer. Result: svn: generic failure

In most of the reported cases of the same problem, it seems the problem is related to SASL but in my case it's disabled and I'm not using SASL. I've faced the same problem, not long ago, on a different server with CentOS installed.

As of the next step I logged into the remote server through SSH and tried to checkout the same project out of the repository using 'file:///' protocol. And it worked fine! It seems whatever the problem is, it has something to do with the authentication protocol. But since the error prompt is minimal, I do not know where to start.

UPDATE: Switching from 'file:///' to 'svn+ssh://' works fine on the remote server as well.

UPDATE: Testing from a third computer, everything works fine there too and it seems it's just my local computer unable to checkout and/or commit the repository! Could it be some sort of firewall blocking issue?

like image 810
Mehran Avatar asked Dec 26 '11 09:12


1 Answers

svn needs your hostname routed to (local)

if your hostname is not in

cat /etc/hosts

this will add your current hostname to it:

#(as root)
echo `hostname`>> /etc/hosts
like image 64
rubo77 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
