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SVN error"access to '/svn/myservice/!svn/act/d99e498e-9a8d-374c-a3e4-fde21198bfa2' forbidden"

I cannot commit but I can update.

When I attempt to commit I get the following error:

access to '/svn/myservice/!svn/act/d99e498e-9a8d-374c-a3e4-fde21198bfa2' forbidden

I'm using Windows 7 64bit.

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ndalama Avatar asked May 09 '11 12:05


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2 Answers

This happens when you check out a repository and the casing in the repository path that you typed does not match the actual repository path. When the casing does not match you're able to check out the repo but you get that error when you commit.

However, it can also occur when the name of your SVN account is entered with the wrong capitalization when making the commit (e.g., "Username: Joe" instead of "Username: joe").

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Pedro Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


I had the same problem.

I solved it on my Windows XP by

  • Clearing the authentication data that Tortoise had saved. Then,
  • Re-tried the commit

Tortoise, then, asked me for my login credentials. After re-inserting my username and password, the commit worked.

How do you clear the authentication data that Tortoise had saved?


  • On the PC go to Tortoise SVN > Settings > Saved Data > Authentication Data
  • Click [Clear]

That will clear the stored information, and you will be prompted for it the next time it's needed.

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JW. Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10