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SVN Error - 501 Not Implemented Commit Failed

I have a folder in a repository that cannot commit and even parent folders cannot commit. This happened several weeks ago, then worked, then on the blink again. I have cleared my authentication cache and no help. I can still work with other trunks but not this one and the error message does not help me where to go. I have done Clean Up. I have created a new directory from VisualSVN from the repository and same problem. Would you have any suggestions? Can I nuke the .svn folder and help? I don't want to start with a new repo because we have TeamCity integrated and watching. Help and thanks in advance! Doug

**Error: Commit failed (details follow):

Error: Server sent unexpected return value (501 Not Implemented) in response to

Error: PROPFIND request for '/svn/MAHCP/trunk/src/RssaSolution/Mahcp.Rssa'**

I posted to SVNForum as well but has anyone else had this crazy situation!

like image 822
dodegaard Avatar asked Feb 18 '09 16:02


People also ask

What is an error 501?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 501 Not Implemented server error response code means that the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This status can also send a Retry-After header, telling the requester when to check back to see if the functionality is supported by then.

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3 Answers

That's usually a proxy or virus scanner/firewall rejecting DAV requests (PROPFIND is not a 'normal' http request but used with DAV).

So: check your proxy and/or virus scanner/firewall and configure them to allow DAV requests.

Also, sometimes it help to use https instead of http so that those apps can't check the network traffic anymore and interfere with it.

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Stefan Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10


There was an old outdated URL to the repository trunk. I wish the error was a bit more descriptive. Thanks guys....if I had more reputation I'd grant you both points!

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dodegaard Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10


The answer was that the svn server URL had been changed previously and then when trying to check it back in it would error. The trick then was to nuke the .svn folders, pull down fresh and then copy over with my new changes. I wish the error message had been better.

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dodegaard Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10
