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SVN checkout Mac terminal/Xcode

I need to checkout the SVN code but I am trying from the Xcode and terminal but unable to do that. My SVN format url starts from url below


I have valid username and password.

Do I need to make SVN to http/https before using it.

like image 643
Hitesh Avatar asked Dec 09 '13 07:12


People also ask

How do I checkout from SVN in terminal?

Open the SVN server, right-click on the repository and select the copy URL to clipboard (for the VIsualSVN server) and paste it on the command line. User credentials will be the same as what we set at the time of user creation. After every successful checkout operation, the output will print a revision number.

How do I commit a SVN code in Xcode?

Note, to get SVN integration with Xcode working, you should open Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts tab and add your SVN account there (+ button in the bottom left corner -> Add Repository). Hope this helps.

1 Answers

what you need to do is this:

svn --username user --password password co svn://google.com/ad
like image 120
Philip Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
