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SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication in WebApi.Owin also suppressing authentication outside webapi

I am running into a problem with a solution where I used parts from the Visual Studio SPA template for having the Account Controller in WebApi with Oauth Authentication.


Then I in the owin webapi registration is doing


but this also supresses the default cookie authentication outside the webapi environment. Is this the intention. If so, how can I set up WebApi to supress cookie authentication but its still active accross the environment for other requests?

like image 809
Poul K. Sørensen Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 10:02

Poul K. Sørensen

1 Answers

It seems that it is a good practice, especially when you mix an OWIN-hosted app and a regular one on the same IIS dir, to setup WebApi with the app.Map.

    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        var configuration = WebApiConfiguration.HttpConfiguration;
        app.Map("/api", inner =>

I had all my controllers configured with a "api" prefix route, and I just moved that to the map function instead. Now webapi is running isolated and it works out with the rest of my application. Thanks @PinpointTownes for pointing me in this direction.

like image 163
Poul K. Sørensen Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Poul K. Sørensen