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Supervisord throws error: "couldn't exec /var/application/gunicorn_start: ENOEXEC"

I was setting my server to run a Django web application, I have my gunicorn_start file that is working fine:

NAME="hello_app"                                  # Name of the application
DJANGODIR=/webapps/hello_django/hello             # Django project directory
SOCKFILE=/webapps/hello_django/run/gunicorn.sock  # we will communicte using this unix socket
USER=hello                                        # the user to run as
GROUP=webapps                                     # the group to run as
NUM_WORKERS=3                                     # how many worker processes should Gunicorn spawn
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=hello.settings             # which settings file should Django use
DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE=hello.wsgi                     # WSGI module name

echo "Starting $NAME as `whoami`"

# Activate the virtual environment
source ../bin/activate

# Create the run directory if it doesn't exist
test -d $RUNDIR || mkdir -p $RUNDIR

# Start your Django Unicorn
# Programs meant to be run under supervisor should not daemonize themselves (do not use --daemon)
exec ../bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application \
  --name $NAME \
  --workers $NUM_WORKERS \
  --user=$USER --group=$GROUP \
  --bind=unix:$SOCKFILE \
  --log-level=debug \

but I can't make it starts automatically with supervisord because I get an error that says: "couldn't exec /var/application/gunicorn_start: ENOEXEC"

My supervisord file is:

command = /webapps/hello_django/bin/gunicorn_start                    ; Command to start app
user = hello                                                          ; User to run as
stdout_logfile = /webapps/hello_django/logs/gunicorn_supervisor.log   ; Where to write log messages
redirect_stderr = true                                                ; Save stderr in the same log
environment=LANG=en_US.UTF-8,LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8                       ; Set UTF-8 as default encoding

What should I do?

like image 216
marco.santonocito Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 10:12


1 Answers

The solution is really easy, you should add #!/bin/sh at the beginning of your gunicorn_start file. It should appear like this:


NAME="hello_app"                                  # Name of the application
DJANGODIR=/webapps/hello_django/hello             # Django project directory
SOCKFILE=/webapps/hello_django/run/gunicorn.sock  # we will communicte using this unix socket
USER=hello                                        # the user to run as
GROUP=webapps                                     # the group to run as
NUM_WORKERS=3                                     # how many worker processes should Gunicorn spawn
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=hello.settings             # which settings file should Django use
DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE=hello.wsgi                     # WSGI module name

echo "Starting $NAME as `whoami`"

# Activate the virtual environment
source ../bin/activate

# Create the run directory if it doesn't exist
test -d $RUNDIR || mkdir -p $RUNDIR

# Start your Django Unicorn
# Programs meant to be run under supervisor should not daemonize themselves (do not use --daemon)
exec ../bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application \
  --name $NAME \
  --workers $NUM_WORKERS \
  --user=$USER --group=$GROUP \
  --bind=unix:$SOCKFILE \
  --log-level=debug \
like image 199
marco.santonocito Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 15:02
