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supervisord exiting with ENOEXEC



I am trying to run a java process with supervisord and am getting:

couldn't exec /var/application/start_tester: ENOEXEC

The contents of start_tester is:

java -Duser.dir=/var/application/ -cp /var/application/application.jar:/var/application/toepoke.jar com.application.Application

When I run the script from the console the app runs as expected. Here is my supervisor config

command=/var/application/start_tester         ; the program (relative uses PATH, can take args)
log_stdout=true             ; if true, log program stdout (default true)
log_stderr=true             ; if true, log program stderr (def false)

When I run the script from the console this is the output:

[root@monitor application]# ./start_tester 
20131009 203657: application starting up.
20131009 203657 (33): version 2.2.3
like image 827
ipengineer Avatar asked Oct 10 '13 01:10


2 Answers

Your file needs to be executable. So either:

  1. You should chmod +x it to set the executable bit.
  2. Put a shebang at the start of the file. Not having this is what caused the ENOEXEC.


  1. Modify your config file to something like command=sh /var/application/start_tester.
like image 133
Joe Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10


In most cases a shebang is usually missing.

  - #!/usr/bin/env bash
  - #!/bin/bash
  - #!/bin/sh
  - #!/bin/sh -

Once you add the shebang to your gunicorn_start file (in case of DJANGO), restart the supervisor

sudo systemctl enable supervisor 
sudo systemctl restart supervisor
like image 40
Pushan Gupta Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10

Pushan Gupta